You are encouraged to think carefully and do your own research. Fig. PTA DISCLAIMER: All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear anywhere on this site, whether stated as theories or absolute facts should be personally fact checked and discerned by you, the reader. And that the Pyramids are most likely an artifact of a much older, advanced civilization? Here are 3 lesser-known, but astounding pyramids you should know about. Despite the fact that we call the great Sphinx–a Sphinx, the truth is that it isn’t really a Sphinx. 4: The Giza pyramids are oriented to our current geographical North pole and therefore were constructed AFTER the “Great Flood”. Plus I think the claims that the Bosnian Pyramids are older than Egypt’s has ruffled the tail feathers of Egyptologists. I think open-air sites like Qurta will be found all over North Africa." Viewpoint: No, the Great Sphinx was built about 4,500 years ago during the reign of the pharaoh Khafre, as has long been believed by most archaeologists and Egyptologists. But that is not how they were for the first thousand or so years after they were built. DISCOVER ancient origins • UNCOVER hidden truths • RECOVER your true identity. Using these tried and true tools of analysis, the very same tools at the heart of science, the accepted age of the Great Pyramid is highly suspect. The Great Sphinx of Giza belongs to the Giza necropolis west of Cairo. In fact, the Pyramid of Djoser in Sakkara, Egypt, was built about 1,000 years earlier, between 2667 and 2648 BC. The Sphinx circa 1880s, by Beniamino Facchinelli. They used advanced technology that we would regard as magic, such as free energy devices, portal technology, stargates, and spacecraft. There are over 2 million stone blocks in the Great Pyramid, weighing anywhere from 2 to 50 tones. The Great Pyramid encodes fundamental mathematical constants like the pi and phi ratios. the Sahara desert was flooded by monsoon rains about 10,000 ago. For one, they’re an astonishing engineering feat made particularly impressive by what we know their architects didn’t have.For example, Check out our upcoming online webinars and live events. "At one time, there was what was described as a "pyramidal-shaped" stone in the centre of the chamber. We may also earn commissions on purchases from other retail websites. ... "There must be older art in Egypt, if we can find it. if pyramids are much older against our understanding they might linked as creation of ancient gods. The greatest Egyptian monuments may be much older than today's mainstream archaeologists are willing to admit. You can support independent conscious media and our global event productions with a contribution via Paypal, or Patreon. In that work, Solon, a poet and law maker, claims to have visited Neith, where priests he met there told him of historic accounts of Atlantis. And this, to them, proves it was made during his time. The discovery was made by English archaeologist, Mallaby Cecil Firth in 1907. Atlantis is a legendary highly advanced civilization from antiquity, which some say could have been a global civilization. The calibrated dates from the 1995 Old Kingdom pyramid samples tended to be 100 to 200 years older than the historical dates for the respective kings and about 200 years younger than our 1984 dates. Our species may be 150,000 years older than we thought. Nothing on this site is meant to be believed without question or personal appraisal. The precise age of the pyramids of Giza has long been debated because, until now, there has been little evidence to prove when the pyramids were built. This suggests that the relics were original to the construction of the Pyramid, instead of being later left by those inside the completed Pyramid. New research, conducted by scientists free to think outside of the box, agree that this figure isn't right. In Egypt, the Pyramids of Giza were built around 4,000 years ago, although there have been claims that they're even older. The pyramids of Egypt are amazing structures and fascinate people today. The goal of his work is to help himself and others become better truth-seekers, and in doing so, form a community of holistically minded individuals capable of creating world healing projects for the benefit of all life—what has been called The Great Work. The Giza pyramids in Egypt, photographed on March 13, 2020. He humbly seeks those who are willing to take responsibility for making themselves and the world a better place. (At least we did—especially when it came to these 10 Over-65 Leading Ladies Who Look Amazing. ) There's more evidence to support Schoch's claim than there is to confirm official dogma coming from Egyptologists. The Great Pyramid and surrounding pyramids at the Giza complex are much older than 4500 years old, as Egyptologists claim. Other researchers, such as Billy Carson from 4BiddenKnowledge date the Sphinx to an even earlier period 36,000 years ago claiming that Leo was the constellation that the Sphinx was facing and that it would not have been possible to build the Sphinx 13,500 years ago due to the conditions of the terrain since the planet was coming right out of an ice age. Introduction . These are the top ten reasons the pyramids of Giza could prove that advanced ancient technology existed. Are The Pyramids Much Older Than We Think? They are older than 4,500 years and younger than 26,000 years. View Billy Carson's Presentation at the Portal to Ascension Conference 2018 HERE. Here’s why, there are no hieroglyphics in any of the Pyramids on the Giza plateau accept for Khufu’s pyramid which is the largest. The story is that Atlantis was a highly advanced global civilization that appeared around 30,000 to 40,000 years ago. The Case of the Disappearing Russian Scientists-Think Stargates and Pyramids! Check out the article here on Ahram Online. Scale Model Of The Solar System Created In Nevada Desert, Declassified CIA Document Reveals Research Into The Astral Plane, Dimensions & More, Robert Bigelow: “Aliens Right Under Our Noses”, New Zealand Field Completely Covered In Spiders. The site is a plateau containing the three great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura, together with the Sphinx and a number of smaller pyramids, temples, and tombs. The Great Pyramid can focus energy within its various chambers. In that work, Solon, a poet and law maker, claims to have visited Neith, where priests he met there told him of historic accounts of Atlantis. The city is thought to have been established around 100 BC, with major monuments continuously under construction until about AD 250. Currently, archaeological excavations near the pyramids, which, according to preliminary estimates, are at least two times older than the Egyptian ones, have been resumed on the Kola Peninsula.Like on Facebook To stay in touch & get our latest … Archaeologists believe Egypt’s large pyramids are the work of the Old Kingdom society that rose to prominence in the Nile Valley after 3000 B.C. The comparison is one of age, not scope. In other words, when the pyramids were built this site was already much older than the pyramids are now. These are just a few mysterious facts that leave modern-day scientists baffled. The philosophy of knowledge, epistemology, helps us sort fact from fiction. With some evidence suggesting that these pyramids could predate the Egyptians, there are those who believe that the pyramids could be a mark left by a … As a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, this site may earn from qualifying purchases. The city is thought to have been established around 100 BC, with major monuments continuously under construction until about AD 250. He cites water erosion patterns as proof some kind of major catastrophe took place in antiquity, wherein large volumes of water were washing over the plateau. 5. The Great Sphinx of Giza belongs to the Giza necropolis west of Cairo. The question of how the pyramids were built has not received a wholly satisfactory answer. “Now, I think that anatomically modern humans are … This makes it more than 600 years older than the Giza Pyramids in Egypt, and 1,000 years more ancient than Stonehenge." In the past, researchers like Schoch and Hancock would probably never had a chance to share their valuable research. But Egyptologists reject Schoch's research, which has been summarily ignored by academics. View Robert Schochs Detailed Presentation, Antarctica Mystery: Chilean Military Plane Goes Missing. Fig. Could this be the source of the water erosion patterns mentioned by Schoch? “Now, I think that anatomically modern humans are only a … But anyone with common sense would likely agree that the Sumerian culture was likely influenced by a much older civilization. When we think of the pyramids today, we typically think of old, dusty, blocky structures in the middle of sandy expanses. Buildings much older than the pyramids were laid out using a unit called a cubit (about 52.5 cm). With some evidence suggesting that these pyramids could predate the Egyptians, there are those who believe that the pyramids could be a mark left by a more advance civilization, much older than 4,500 years. Samples older than 50,000 to 60,000 years are not useful for radiocarbon testing because by then, the amount of C14 remaining is too small to be dated. Archaeologists in Kazakhstan have made a discovery that could change history as we know it. Another item becomes clear when we look deeper into this issue: The older the cluster, the larger the area over which a dynamic group is formed. ... those with the full set of features we see in living people. Much has been written about Tenerife’s step pyramids origin and function, a subject widely debated, since three astrophysicists from the Canarian Astrophysics Institute (IAC, C. Esteban, J. Some researchers have come forward claiming that the Pyramids of Giza are much older than we think. We wanted to use science to test the accepted historical dates of several Old Kingdom monuments. Should we accept the views of officialdom when there's so much good reason to have doubts? For thousands of years, humanity was effectively thrust back into the stone age. Viewpoint: Yes, recent evidence suggests that the Great Sphinx is much older than most scientists believe. The pyramids actually had a white, polished layer of limestone covering them. I realized that it was very Indiana Jones-y, with all these pyramids in the middle of the desert. Has Comet ISON Survived Its Trip Around The Sun? They have a choice, either come clean about the secrets of antiquity or play second fiddle to Bosnia. The Brazilian pyramids seem to have been constructed over decades or centuries. Pyramids found by archaeologists on the Kola peninsula prove the existence of an ancient civilization on the territory of Russia. Instead, there is one reference to Khufu, painted in red in a small room. They are built so good that they are still here some of which may be 10,000 plus years old. The Sphinx circa 1880s, by Beniamino Facchinelli. Modern day buildings are not built with this level of precision. There are, however certain pieces of evidence that may be in favor of the pyramids being older, and these German archaeologists are not the first to question their age and what we have been taught about them. The angle of inclination of the pyramid’s sloping faces was calculated by the Egyptians using a simple and precise method as seen in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus. Although Schoch's claim doesn't directly relate to the age of the pyramids, it is believed that they were likely built by the same much more ancient civilization. There are technologies on this planet that incredibly old and defy description. If all of this isn't enough to at least spark your curiosity, consider, Last in this short list, a large void or cavity was, recently detected inside the Great Pyramid, The philosophy of knowledge, epistemology, helps us sort fact from fiction. But Egyptologists reject Schoch's research, which has been summarily. Given this, Hancock and Bauval both claim that these megaliths could be at least 12,000 years old. Alisha Gauvreau, a Ph.D. student who helped discover this site said, “I remember when we got the dates back, and we just sat back and said, ‘Holy moly, this is old.’” The Great Pyramid of Giza was built around 100 years later, making it older than this new Kazakhstan pyramid – although it will take more time for the team to accurately come up with a date of construction. The Great Pyramid is aligned 0.067 degrees counterclockwise from perfect cardinal alignment of true north. Yup. According to legend, the Heiltsuk sought shelter there during that time. A. Belmonte and A. Aparicio) back in 1991 considered them “an astronomically orientated pyramid complex”. This meant that the first Egyptian burial mounds were at least 7,000 years old , millennia older than previously thought, and that pyramid evolution began over 2,700 years before the Great Pyramid. Viewpoint: Yes, recent evidence suggests that the Great Sphinx is much older than most scientists believe. The most plausible one is that the Egyptians employed a sloping and encircling embankment of brick, earth, and sand, which was increased in height and length as the pyramid rose; stone blocks were hauled up the ramp by means of sledges, rollers, and levers.. Atlantis, is so widely discussed by so many people, from academics and archeologists, to ufologists, spiritualists, and even mediums. But this argument isn't proven because stone, in this case limestone, cannot be carbon dated since it is not an organic material. They’ve found a pyramid they think could be even older than certain Egyptian pyramids. Another interesting fact about the structure is the shafts inside the Great Pyramid and the positioning of the pyramids are correspond with the constellation of Orion. by academics. W hen we think of Egypt we think of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Some researchers have noted that most Egyptian burial structures are plentiful with texts and inscriptions to assist the passing of the individual to the underworld. ... 500 years older than the Pyramids; is The Irish famous — New Grange. He's known for his exploration of ancient history. Remember you get 100's of hours of free consciousness expanding footage as a Portal to Ascension Member. We don’t know its name. The similarity in Tibetan, Mayan and Egyptian languages indicates a common root. Some evidence casts doubt on the actual chronology of Egyptian pharaohs. And given current diet and wellness trends, it's only going to get harder. Additionally, mainstream research suggests the Sahara desert was flooded by monsoon rains about 10,000 ago. Plato is the most widely cited source for this, mentioning Atlantis in. The perfect alignment however, between the pyramids and Orion, would have only occurred in 10,500 BC. Viewpoint: No, the Great Sphinx was built about 4,500 years ago during the reign of the pharaoh Khafre, as has long been believed by most archaeologists and Egyptologists. But material from the time of the pyramids lends itself well to radiocarbon dating because they fall into the 2575-1640 date range. Critics use the pyramids to claim the Bible can’t be right. There are, however certain pieces of evidence that may be in favor of the pyramids being older, and these German archaeologists are not the first to question their age and what we have been taught about them. Is the Great Sphinx twice as old as Egyptologists and archaeologists think, based on recent geological evidence? On top of that, the Great Pyramid is the only of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World to survive. At the time the pyramids were built, 4500 years ago, this site was already 7000 years old. Now some of the records in Egypt say when they were built, but many of these other pyramids on Earth may be way older than the ones in Egypt. The Sphinx, too, aligns to the the constellation of Leo in the same year, 10,500 BC. This also means that Cleopatra's time on Earth is actually closer to us in history than to the construction of the pyramids. Based on radio carbon dating method pyramids are dated after 3000 BC. Archaeologists in Kazakhstan have made a discovery that could change history as we know it. There are about 100 altogether, some only symbolic and small. The common threads that relates to this discussion is when and how Atlantis fell. Introduction . Is the Great Sphinx twice as old as Egyptologists and archaeologists think, based on recent geological evidence? Using these. The Great Pyramid is "earthquake proof"—the irregular blocks make an almost invincible structure. One researcher at the forefront of the Bosnian pyramid mystery is Semir Osmanagic, a Ph.D and a Bosnian born resident of the United States.He is a former Anthropology professor at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina and established a non-profit and non-government, Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation to pursue the excavation … A valid counter argument is important because, in the scientific process, claims need to be evidence-based. Mainstream historians can't answer this question. Currently, archaeological excavations near the pyramids, which, according to preliminary estimates, are at least two times older than the Egyptian ones, have been resumed on the Kola Peninsula.Like on Facebook To stay in touch & get our latest … This newly discovered settlement dates back more than three times older than the pyramids. Not in a traditional sense anyway. View Robert Schochs Detailed Presentation at the Portal to Ascension Conference 2018 where he explains the science and geology behind the dating of the Sphinx. The Ancient Egyptian section of the Ministry of State of Antiquities (MSA) however refutes these claims, labelling the German archaologists as amateurs. Pyramids have their origins in the 3rd millennium, with the Step Pyramid and the Pyramids of Giza as examples. 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This means, from an epistemology perspective, the Khufu claim is more akin to accepted myth and academic doctrine, than substantiated fact. There has been dispute saying that if the pyramid was indeed built as Khufu’s tomb, his name would appear all throughout the structure. The internet has given humanity an unprecedented ability to question official claims. Justin is a student of all and a teacher to some. The Great Sphinx partially excavated, ca. Even to what we consider ancient people, the Egyptian pyramids were quite old. Our species may be 150,000 years older than we thought. Related Posts:Search For The Pyramids Of Chalcatzingo in Mexico - Brien Foerster April 9, 2016 Exploring Dynastic Temple Of Seti 1 And Older Megalithic Osireion - Brien… April 8, 2018 Pyramids Of Dashur Egypt: Ancient Acoustic Devices - Brien Foerster September 11, 2016 Evidence Of Ancient Cataclysm At The Bent And Red Pyramids Of Egypt […] These pyramids may be way older than anyone realizes. We do not know our history. Is it possible that the Great Pyramids of Giza are over 7000 years old? Solon is believed to be a real person. Related Posts:Search For The Pyramids Of Chalcatzingo in Mexico - Brien Foerster April 9, 2016 Exploring Dynastic Temple Of Seti 1 And Older Megalithic Osireion - Brien… April 8, 2018 Pyramids Of Dashur Egypt: Ancient Acoustic Devices - Brien Foerster September 11, 2016 Evidence Of Ancient Cataclysm At The Bent And Red Pyramids Of Egypt […] Some claim the legendary Atlantean civilization discussed by Plato. However the current estimates and methods are hard to ignore as these methods have successfully applied in dating dinosaur bones which is much older than human civilization. Seen for miles. Standing 455 feet tall, the largest of the Giza pyramids was built by the Pharaoh Khufu in … In the case of Mesopotamia, they are commonly referred to as Ziggurats with their building beginning during the earlier Uruk Period 4th millennium two of the earliest ones are the White Temple (Warke/Uruk) and the Painted Temple (Tell Uqair) (Postgate, 2002: 110). Although the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx are "officially" dated as Fourth Dynasty (2575 - 2150 bce) there is evidence to suggest they may actually be 10,000 years older. Pyramids found by archaeologists on the Kola peninsula prove the existence of an ancient civilization on the territory of Russia. The earliest known Egyptian pyramids are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis, … Alaskan lake with so much methane it can be set on... Star of ‘The Crown’ attempted to contact character’s ghost. LEHNER: Well, we did a first run in 1984, actually, funded by the Edgar Cayce Foundation because they had definite ideas that the pyramids were much older than Egyptologists believed. Undoubtedly the Mayan Pyramids are much older than the Egyptian Pyramids regardless of what official thought is. Could Mexico’s Teotihuacan Pyramids Be Older Than We Think? Step Pyramids of Güimar . It inspired me to think about exactly what was in Sudan. Some even say that this civilization also colonized planets and moons in our solar system. The Great Pyramid is actually 8-sided, with such precision that, for decades, historians never noticed. The site is a plateau containing the three great pyramids of Khufu, Khafra, and Menkaura, together with the Sphinx and a number of smaller pyramids, temples, and tombs. Schoch provides superior evidence for his age of the Sphinx, citing weather erosion on the Sphinx itself and surrounding rock face. There are multiple reasons why this is important ranging from understanding the complexities of this ancient civilization to reconstructing what we know as the story of humanity and how we evolved on the planet. The Giza pyramids have been built with astounding accuracy, oriented to the current North pole. Some of them are older than old. It is supposedly older than Mesopotamia by 3,000-4,000 years circa 7,000 B. C. so would Mesopotamia still be considered as the earliest known civilisation? The team was looking for evidence that supports the oral history behind a sliver of land during the Ice Age that never froze, as told by the indigenous Heiltsuk people. The Sphinx water erosion hypothesis is a fringe claim contending that the main type of weathering evident on the enclosure walls of the Great Sphinx was caused by prolonged and extensive rainfall that would have predated the time of Djedefre and Khafre, the Pharaohs credited by most modern Egyptologists with building the Great Sphinx and Second Pyramid at Giza around 2500 BC. I find it interesting that we still teach that the first civilizations are from 5,000 years ago but the city found under the Atlantic, which has the world's tallest pyramids, may date 25,000 years. How would YOU react to the discovery/reveal of alien life? Almost all these alternative sources suggest that when Atlantis feel, the whole of the civilized world at the time went with it. Archaeologists have discovered the world's oldest pyramids - on the Atlantic coast of southern Brazil. The city may have lasted until sometime between the … "It is even older than we had imagined. The Giza pyramids have been built with astounding accuracy, oriented to the current North pole. But why do some authors think it is older than the ancient Egyptian Pyramids? A Orstrich egg deposited in the Museum of Nubia, south of Egypt suggests ancient Egypt is older than we are told by history and archaeology. You have tombs of the workmen who built the pyramids that we found, with at least 30 titles that have been found on them to connect the Great Pyramid of Khufu to Dynasty 4. In doing so, they have come forward claiming that the pyramids are MUCH older than originally claimed, and that it was not built for King Kufu as a burial chamber, rather it was built as a centre of power. If all of this isn't enough to at least spark your curiosity, consider these incredible facts about the Great Pyramid. And any actions taken by those who read material on this site is solely the responsibility of the acting party. 1878. Billy Carson: Quantum Merkaba Manifestation 4/26, Orange County, CA(323), Book a Private Session with NeilTestimonialsPast Live EventsFAQs, Affiliate Sign UpAffiliate Sign In / Login, Copyright © 2021 Portal to Ascension :: Terms and Conditions, James Redfield: Celestine Prophecy – Sedona 4/11, Egyptolosts assert that the Sphinx was built during Pharaoh Khafre's reign (c. 2558–2532 BC), a few short decades after the date cited above. The Egyptian Civilization, 10,000 Years Older than Thought. However, no valid counter argument is provided. Nubian pyramids were constructed (roughly 240 of them) at three sites in Sudan to serve as tombs for the kings and queens of Napata and Meroë.The pyramids of Kush, also known as Nubian Pyramids, have different characteristics than the pyramids of Egypt. May have lasted until sometime between the … i think more research needs to be believed without question or appraisal... 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