Examples of genuine in a Sentence But whatever else he is, he is the genuine article. genuity in a sentence - Use "genuity" in a sentence 1. The letter, which is only printed in fragments, is not in Anne's style, and if genuine was probably dictated by the Churchills. She glanced up as a figure approached, and her smile was genuine. Pronunciation of genuineness with 2 audio pronunciations, 12 synonyms, 1 meaning, 1 antonym, 15 … Genuine (" legitimas ") Havana cigars are such only as are made in the island; and the cigars made in Europe and elsewhere from genuine Cuban tobacco are classed as " Havanas.". And while our website doesn’t feature every test prep company or review course in the universe, we’re proud that the advice we offer and the information we provide is accurate, truthful, objective - and entirely free. The German politicians and the Prussian diplomatists accredited to Rome had worked too openly at undermining the papal hierarchy, and had veiled their sympathies for Piedmont far too lightly to lead the Vatican to expect, after the 10th of September 1870, a genuine and firm intervention on the part of Prussia on behalf of the temporal power of the Holy See. But learning English is all about being more creative and study new English words and phrases to speak English fluently and Improve your English speaking level. It is a panegyric; but history has not refused to accept it as a genuine representation of the character of the great king, in spirit, if not in every detail. original language, and to give the hymns "in the genuine uncorrupted text of the authors themselves.". its genuinity. The perils of dialectic are distinguish the genuine Aristotle from the questionable accompaniments with which he had made his first appearance in Western Europe. This piece, called in Irish the Faed Fiada or "Cry of the Deer," contains a number of remarkable grammatical forms, and the latest editors are of opinion that it may very well be genuine. "She's beautiful, isn't she?" The little house is a genuine bit of paradise. Unfortunately politics were inextricably interwoven with the religious controversies of the time, and resistance to English influence involved resistance to the activities of the reformers in the church, whose ultimate victory has obscured the cardinal's genuine merits as a statesman. Nejd, or Central Arabia, is the principal horse-breeding country adjacent to the Persian Gulf, and is the only one in the world, except the adjacent Syrian desert, where the genuine Arab is produced on any considerable scale. English Welcoming the prospects of genuine progress in the field of disarmament engendered in recent years as a result of negotiations between the two super-Powers, But this Machiavellian prince was the genuine son of St Louis. The genuine "sons of Abraham" are not legalistic Jewish Christians but those who simply possess faith in Jesus Christ. A genuine individual possesses certain distinct characteristics. "Genuineness", however, is a word. Genuine definition: Genuine is used to describe people and things that are exactly what they appear to be,... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The most effective characteristic of Mr Austin's poetry, as of the best of his prose, is a genuine and intimate love of nature. Jul 14,. b. Christ lived on earth the life of man, and without questioning the equally genuine Divine element laid stress on this genuine human consciousness. When you're talking about people, being genuine has to do with being sincere. TOMS was founded by Blake Mycoskie in 2006 following a trip to Argentina.During his visit, Mycoskie saw firsthand how people living in impoverished areas of Argentina had to live without shoes, a challenge that many of us likely give little thought. An attempt to treat them as not genuine Socialists was frustrated, and they continued in co-operation with the other branch of the party. The subject is actually implied or elliptical, meaning that the By the time when Latin literature begins, the genuine Roman religion had already been overlaid by foreign cults and modes of thought, by the classical period it was - except in formal observance - practically buried and to a large extent fossilized. His early correspondence with Shelley, which began in 1811, is remarkable for its genuine good sense and kindness; but when Shelley carried out the principles of the author of Political Justice in eloping with Mary Godwin, Godwin assumed a hostile attitude that would have been unjustifiable in a man of ordinary views, and was ridiculous in the light of his professions. He caressed the tattoo with a thumb and smiled, feeling genuine happiness for the first time since Andre.s death. How to say genuineness in English? The political leaders were far more conscious than either Vienna or Budapest of the volcanic state of public opinion: but when in genuine alarm and from a sense of impotence they attempted to restrain their followers, the only result was a loss of influence over the younger generation, which had become increasingly infected by revolutionary ideas. The above sentence delivers the same exact meaning as the example preceding it. From this place it appears that the relics (whether genuine or not) were moved to the catacombs in A.D. Paul's heresy lay principally in his insistence on the genuine humanity of Jesus of Nazareth, in contrast with the rising orthodoxy which merged his human consciousness in the divine Logos. In the chamber he was in a minority, since genuine Republicans of all varieties began to see what his success would mean, and his actions were accordingly directed to keeping the public gaze upon himself. The movement which he represented in the eye of Europe, whatever the motives of its leaders, "was in its essence a genuine revolt against misgovernment," 1 and it was a dim recognition of this fact which led Arabi to style himself "the Egyptian.". Try the linguine paired with calamari gravy, or the gourmet shrimp and prosciutto pizza prepared in a genuine brick oven. The nuts of other species of Areca are used by the poorer classes in the East as substitutes for the genuine betel nut. He offered a genuine smile she couldn't bring herself to return. M'Culloch were Ricardo's disciples, and, he added, his only genuine ones. The details of this narrative are unfortunately lost, as the genuine conclusion of Mark is not extant. To his continuators, on the other hand, it is an established fact that Helena brought all three crosses to light, and ascertained the genuine Cross by the instrumentality of a miracle, in addition to discovering the nails of the Crucifixion (Rufin. But in yielding to the will of the majority he excited the displeasure of the minority, the genuine zealots, who in Moawiya were opposing the enemy of Islam, and regarded Ali's entering into negotiations with him as a denial of the faith. Here's a list of opposite words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Of the plays then passing under the name of Plautus, he recognized twenty-five as genuine. But whether they are to be regarded as genuine folk-lore or merely as a branch of the fiction of the age when they first appeared in book form, remains uncertain. As he entered the city and went on foot to the Capitol the plaudits of the people were unmistakably genuine. The derivation of the name is obscure, but there is no reason to doubt that she was a genuine Greek deity. C. Burkitt's 2 careful examination of the quotations from the Gospels in the other works of Ephraim; he shows conclusively that in all the undoubtedly genuine works the quotations are from a pre-Peshitta text. Ambrogio, which is one of the earliest genuine campanili in Italy (789-824). It is true that presbyters are not mentioned in the genuine Epistles of St Paul, but there are hints that similar officers existed in some of the churches founded by the apostle. See more. See more. The genuine as well as the false paper money which flooded Moscow lost its value. ... Is this sentence correct? Starting from Galatians and 1 Corinthians, which are obviously the genuine letters of a Christian leader called Paul to his converts, Baur accepted 2 Corinthians and Romans as the work of the same hand. Pronunciations. 16 and 17) is not unreasonable since they somewhat resemble the style of suasoriae, or rhetorical exercises, but the latest editors, Tyrrell and Purser, regard these also as genuine. 1. Indeed, the result of his monumental labours has been to impede rather than to promote the restoration of the genuine Septuagint. 0. But which are to be regarded as the "genuine works" is still uncertain, and authorities are conflicting. The Semitic name of the symbol is shin; the Greek name sigma may mean merely the hissing letter and may be a genuine Greek derivative from the verb o-4co, hiss. Nevertheless, part of the later Maya records may be genuine - for instance, when they relate .the war about three centuries before the Spanish conquest, when the king of Chichen-Itza destroyed the great city of Mayapan. He is keen, positive, logical, combining with curious dashes of scepticism many genuine moral convictions and a good knowledge of the various national religions and mythologies whose relative value he is able to appreciate. Genuine meaning in Bengali - খাঁটি, অকত্রিম; | English – Bangla & English (E2B) Online Dictionary. He was a disciplinarian, a scholar, a modest and moderate man of genuine piety and irreproachable morals. Condition sentence examples. The treatise was therefore written before the birth of Boetius, if it be not a forgery; but there is no reason to suppose that the treatise was not a genuine production of the time to which it professes to belong. Need antonyms for genuinity? Slight clerical errors there may have been, but the Koran of Othman contains none but genuine elements - though sometimes in very strange order. Another word for genuine. Seeking out Nonnus, she overcame his canonical scruples by her tears of genuine penitence, was baptized, and, disguising herself in the garb of a male penitent, retired to a grotto on the Mount of Olives, where she died after three years of strict penance. The body of legal rules and customs which obtained in England before the Norman conquest constitutes, with the Scandinavian laws, the most genuine expression of Teutonic legal thought. 1 1. These contributions to the literature of Shakespeare are full of curious matter, but on the whole display a great waste of erudition, in seeking to show that papers which had been proved forgeries might nevertheless have been genuine. These are known in their entirety only in Syriac, and were first published by Wetstein (1752), who held them genuine. With genuine soaps, however, it suffices to calculate the fatty acids as anhydrides and add to this the amount of alkalis, and estimate the water by difference. The preface to the Phenomenology signalled the separation from Schelling - the adieu to romantic. He tilted his head in a sign of genuine curiosity. 4. It is a miscellany of literary and historical: anecdotes, of original critical remarks, and of interesting and_ curious information of all kinds, animated by genuine literary feeling, taste and enthusiasm. "In the same fragment the Christians are condemned as worshippers of idols, unless indeed the writer has genuine pagans in view. If so, and if the epistle be genuine, this is conclusive evidence that Peter was in Rome. She stared at him, her surprise the first genuine emotion he'd seen. Photius knew of nine letters by him which he called the Nine Muses; the twelve published under his name (Hercher, Epistolographi Graeci) are not genuine. The other thing to notice is that “genuineness” is still in the clear lead. His ragged voice held genuine warmth, though, so she took his words at face value. of Matthew's gospel is a classical instance of the distinction between the formalism of the Pharisaic code and genuine religion. Ask question + 100. For this reason Leo, from the very first, entertained no genuine desire for the selection either of Charles V. The genuine significance of Leo lies rather in the stimulus which he gave. Get answers by asking now. Duhm and others hold that they are genuine. ইংরেজি - বাংলা Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us. Another difficulty, the concealment of the inner core of copper which was seen as a thin red line when a cut edge was exposed, was met about 1784 by George Cadman, who adopted the practice of soldering on an edging, generally ornamented, of solid silver so as to cover the junction, and the presence of this is one of the trustworthy tests by which genuine Sheffield plate may be recognized. Lastly, a word about genuine or pseudo-Sumerian names. The definition of genuine is authentic, real and honest. What is an another way to say? He introduced genuine comedy among his countrymen. The later stages represent not the spontaneous development of the genuine Roman religion, but its alteration and supersession by new cults and ideas introduced from foreign sources. Stories tell how on one occasion a merchant, who had bought several cases of sardines at Nijni-Novgorod, found that they contained forbidden print instead of fish, and at another time a supposititious copy of the Kolokol was printed for the emperor's special use, in which a telling attack upon a leading statesman, which had appeared in the genuine number, was omitted. At this time the corporation exercised supreme control over the companies, and the companies were still genuine associations of the traders and householders of the city. In recent years a tendency has been apparent among critics to accept Ephesians as a genuine work of Paul. Though hardly a scientific man himself, he had a genuine interest in science, and must have possessed social gifts. The story of Tristan and Iseult, immensely popular as it was, was too genuine - (shall we say too crude?) Of recent years old Sheffield plate after long neglect has come into fashion again, and genuine articles in good condition have greatly gone up in value, often exceeding in cost those of more modern date in sterling silver. This high theory of episcopacy which, if certain of the Ignatian letters be genuine, has a very early origin, has, of course, fallen upon evil days. On the other hand, the genuine Orphics, a fraternity of religious ascetics, found unscrupulous imitators and impostors, who. Without yielding fortunes for speculators, like South Africa or Australia, it returns a fair percentage upon genuine hard work. Materials for arriving at a decision by comparison with undoubtedly genuine fragments of the Ossianic legend are available in The Book of the Dean of Lismore, Gaelic verses, collected by J. In this he contends that only the Epistles to the Galatians, Corinthians and Romans are genuinely Pauline, and that the Paul of Acts is a different person from the Paul of these genuine Epistles, the author being a Paulinist who, with an eye to the different parties in the Church, is at pains to represent Peter as far as possible as a Paulinist and Paul as far as possible as a Petrinist. The Gyro paedia is a didactic romance, written with a view to Greek institutions and rarely preserving genuine information on the Persian Empire. It'll make Hannah so happy, Giovanni said with genuine warmth. That the skin around Wynn's eyes relaxed in genuine warmth made Gabe realize she'd survived partially because she really was different. The metals he produced are said to have proved genuine on assay; when, however, in the following year he was challenged to repeat the experiments he was unable to do so and committed suicide. Honestly felt or experienced: genuine devotion. Sarah asked the question with genuine interest. He made himself conspicuous by his support of Walpole on the question of the excise, and in 1 743 a union of parties resulted in the formation of an administration in which Pelham was prime minister, with the office of chancellor of the exchequer; but rank and influence made his brother, the duke of Newcastle, very powerful in the cabinet, and, in spite of a genuine attachment, there were occasional disputes between them, which led to difficulties. So how do you come up with a value for Genuity? TOMS isn’t just engaged in corporate philanthropy to make a quick buck; it’s a core part of the company’s values and brand. No, genuinity is not a word. A genuine work, the Glossulae super Porphyrium, from which Charles de Remusat, in his classical monograph Abelard (1845), has given extracts, remains in manuscript. The lifeless, hopeless look in her gaze was too genuine for even a woman as powerful as she was to manipulate. Komensky (Comenius), a member of the brotherhood, claimed for the members of his church that they were the genuine inheritors of the doctrines of Hus. Beside or behind the voluptuous or intellectual attractions of beauty and culture, she had about her the fresher charm of a fearless and frank simplicity, a genuine and enduring pleasure in small and harmless things no less than in such as were neither. He can readily be removed and replaced by another; but no usurper who was not of the legitimate blood can hope to become the genuine king. Messenius was a genuine poet; the lyrics he introduces have something of the charm of the old ballads. Is this sentence correct ? With regard to traditional sayings or doings of our Lord, which were only written down at a later period, it will suffice to say that those which have any claim to be genuine are very scanty, and that their genuineness has to be tested by their correspondence with the great bulk of information which is derived from the sources already enumerated. genuinity in a sentence - Use "genuinity" in a sentence 1. The […] Does it mean someone hate me if they devote all their energy to bringing me down? "We can trace the pedigree of princes," he reflects, "fill up the catalogue of towns besieged and provinces desolated, describe even the whole pageantry of coronations and festivals, but we cannot recover the genuine history of mankind.". The conclusion remains that the literature must be treated as tendency-writing and not as genuine biography and history. The above sketch of the growth and general character of the Pauline Epistles is based upon the hypothesis that all thirteen are genuine. Herodotus, also in the 5th century, describes them as the typical (perhaps in contrast to Athenians as the only genuine) Hellenes, and traces their numerous wanderings from (I) an original home " in Deucalion's time " in Phthiotis (the Homeric " Hellas ") in south Thessaly, to (2) Histiaeotis " below Ossa and Olympus " in north-east Thessaly (note that the historic Histiaeotis is " below Pindus " in north-west Thessaly): this was " in the days of Dorus," i.e. The difficulty is often felt of distinguishing between a powerful rhetorician and a genuine poet, and it is felt particularly in the case of Juvenal. The 18th century was thus trebly barred from a knowledge of genuine medieval history. But in the long run even genuine Christianity has been unable to free itself from the magic of the sacraments; and the Eastern Church especially has taken the same direction as Gnosticism. Probably the poets of the Homeric school - that which dealt with war and adventure - were the genuine descendants of minstrels whose " lays " or " ballads " were the amusement of the feasts in an earlier heroic age; whereas the Hesiodic compositions were non-lyrical from the first, and were only in verse because that was the universal form of literature. Verneau discovered in the ravines of Las Balos some genuine Libyan inscriptions. A hearty handshake or a friendly letter gives me genuine pleasure. Posted Mar 18, 2015 The treatises have been grouped in the four following sections: (I) genuine; (2) those consisting of notes taken by students and collected after the death of Hippocrates; (3) essays by disciples; (4) those utterly spurious. The two years in New York were happy ones, and I look back to them with genuine pleasure. The Scottish philosophy of Thomas Reid and his successors believed that David Hume's scepticism was no more than the genuine outcome of Locke's sensationalist appeal to experience when ripened or forced on by the immaterialism of Bishop Berkeley - God and the soul alone; not God, world and soul. Contemporary writers all bear witness to her extraordinary beauty, but no genuine portraits of her have come down to us. Posted Mar 18, 2015 1 Lord Cromer, writing in 1905, declared that the, movement was, in its essence, a genuine revolt against misgovernment, and was not psqentiallv anti-Euronean (vide Evvit No. But while in all cases the suggestion of Clement's authorship came ultimately from his prestige as writer of the genuine Epistle of Clement (see Clement I. Variation 1 - ASL ; Variation 2 - ASL; Variation 3 - Fingerspelled But the description of Jesus as "a wise man, if indeed one should call him a man," can hardly be genuine, and the assertion "this was the Christ" is equally doubtful, unless it be assumed that the Greek word Christos had become technical in the sense of false-Christ or false-prophet among non-Christian Jews. Short in stature and uncouth in appearance, his individuality first shocked and then by its earnestness impressed the House of Commons; and his sturdy independence of party ties, combined with a gift of rough but genuine eloquence (of which his speech on the Royal Title Bill of 1876 was an example), rapidly made him one of the best-known public men in the country. Ribeiro and Falcao, the introducers of the bucolic style, put new life into the old forms, and by their eclogues in redondilhas, breathing the deepest and most genuine feeling in verses of perfect harmony, they gave models which subsequent writers worked by but could never equal. There is no genuine record of a Chinese marine compass before A.D. and had no genuine desire to heal the schism in the France. A reading supported by only one recension he considered as having only one witness in its favour; those readings which were supported by all the three recensions, or even by two of them, especially if these two were the Alexandrian and the Western, he unhesitatingly accepted as genuine. 0. It’s a long-known fact that word-of-mouth is one of the best ways to generate new business and sign - it makes the entire process of submitting proposal templates or scope of work templates much smoother. In that assembly he distinguished himself by his zeal against the Arians, though the Allocutio ad Imperatorem with which he has been credited is hardly genuine. more important measures, including taxation and appropriation bills, receive genuine discussion by the house at large, through special orders submitted by the committee on rules. He describes himself when he says, "The student of Christian doctrine, because he strives after exactness of phrase, because he is conscious of the inadequacy of any one human formula to exhaust the truth, will be filled with sympathy for every genuine endeavour towards the embodiment of right opinion. It is with a full knowledge of these difficulties in the way of investigation that they maintain that unmistakably genuine phenomena are of constant occurrence. 167. As we cannot without a tittle of evidence accept such a consequence, we conclude that Aristotle formulated the distinction between argumentative and adventitious, artificial and inartificial evidences, both in the Rhetoric to Alexander and in the Rhetoric; and that the former as well as the latter is a genuine work of Aristotle, the founder of the logic of rhetoric. TOMS isn’t just engaged in corporate philanthropy to make a quick buck; it’s a core part of the company’s values and brand. The following are now universally admitted to be genuine .. For two centuries these were accepted as genuine and are admitted as such even in the monumental work of Mosheim. But every genuine attempt to overcome its difficulties brings us into closer touch with the period we are examining; and though we may not be able to throw our conclusions into the form of large generalizations, we shall get to know something of the operation of the forces which determined the economic future of England; understand more clearly than our forefathers did, for we have more information than they could command, and a fuller appreciation of the issues, the broad features of English development, and be in a position to judge fairly well of the measures they adopted in their time. If Keble is to be reckoned, as Newman would have it, as the primary author of the movement, it was from Pusey that it received one of its best known names, and in Newman that it soon found its genuine leader. 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