Like you said, it’s not really that enjoyable – just a quick/portable means to freshen that lovely after lunch or coffee breath. I’ve had worse habits myself, though! 10 Alternative Treatments, International Chewing Gum Association: Frequently Asked Questions, International Chewing Gum Association: Fun Facts About Gum, PARTNER & LICENSEE OF THE LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION. Don't eat or drink for 15 minutes before chewing nicotine gum, as the absorption of nicotine could be reduced, especially if acidic foods/drinks are consumed. So, chewing gum, combined with a changing your diet and exercise, could be a good way to burn off excess pounds over time. I didn’t miss it too much, just the fresh breath for the remainder of the day. It’s really bad for your teeth. Usually I’ll make a flavor variation in the fridge to enjoy that day, or just add berries and herbs to my water bottle. But Target also has THE best gum flavors and I’m always intrigued by the seasonal fruity flavors lol. any of the products or services that are advertised on the web site. I then looked at my desk and saw a huge pack of gum that I had been chewing and discovered that sorbitol and I don’t get along. I’ll still chew a piece every so often, but it’s rare these days. The artificial sweeteners in gum are also not very well digested, leading to stomach discomfort. By following the advice of your dentist, you will be able to stop the progression of the disease and rebuild your gums. or however you spell them. It wasn’t painful or alarming, but just something that I noticed. Chewing gum can cause you to swallow more air than normal, leading to gas and bloating. I was the SAME way! I used to be a gum chain-chewer. I switched to tic-tacs instead which weren’t nearly as satisfying, so now I don’t need anything. could you do a post about it? I was basically going through a pack a day at work and it was getting annoying and costly to keep buying all that gum! Try chewing on ice shards, mastic gum (made from plant resin), or honeycomb. . Oh I couldn’t have written this better! OMG–I used to be totally totally addicted to sugar-free gum!! It should not be to each her own, but good for you for making a change! Now check your email to confirm your subscription — thanks! Gum is totally my crutch for fresh breath, and I reach for it all too often. Back in the day, I was GUM OBSESSED. If I eat something particularly garlicky during the day (love dat garlic), I’ll brush my teeth afterwards instead of noshing on a piece of gum. How hypnosis can help you stop chewing gum The Stop Chewing Gum hypnosis session works directly on your unconscious mind to reset the connections that link your identity with this unwanted behavior. -Oil pull. Maybe I will try drinking some herbal tea instead of the gum and see if it makes a difference. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. I add to smoothies or just chew it- delicious!!!! Yeah, I find it’s a really unattractive habit. And that I need to give it up once and for all! Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM Most gum contains sorbitol which causes awful tummy cramps, especially when running for me so I had to nix it out months ago. I saw the title and thought you were going to talk about gluten, caffeine, sugar, or something. It’s not an all or nothing thing, but something I’ve learned how to enjoy in moderation. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Most users of nicotine gum -- now sold over-the-counter under the Nicorette brand as well as several generic names -- see it as a short-term measure. This means that they are addictive but people can stop tongue chewing and cheek chewing. Copyright Policy Learn how your comment data is processed. Also, mint flossies. I remember when I had a goal for myself to stretch out a pack of orbit to last me a full work week and how hard that was for me. I was chain gum chewer. I have been chewing gum nonstop for years. I have two more packs in my purse and then I’m going to try reeeeeally hard to not buy any more! You can also engage your mouth by eating a healthy snack. I was a massive gum addict 5 years ago and completely kicked it when I was pregnant! The first step to help you quit chewing tobacco is to unclutter your mind, set … DON'T FORCE THEM TO STOP. and totally agree that artificial sweeteners can cause gas and bloating. I stopped chewing gum years ago for all of the reasons you listed above. Hampton studied journalism and communications at the University of West Florida. fyi, i’d say over the past 2-3 years i went from the “gum queen” to basically no gum. Because you do this while in a trance state, you can eliminate all the 'uncomfortableness' of changing an established pattern and actually enjoy the process. -I’m not as bloated. advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. You may be craving sugar when you reach for a piece of gum. Just heard about natural mouthwash: just brew green tea and mix with fresh mint and keep it in the fridge to gargle with…apparently works like a charm! They aren’t in your face and not as addicting as some mints with all the crazy artificial stuff in there. Chewing gum may actually increase your junk food intake because the flavor of gum makes sweet fruits and vegetables taste bitter; When chewing gum, you swallow excess air, causing gastrointestinal problems, bloating, and smelly farting Excessive gum chewing may also cause temporomandibular joint disorder, a condition that causes chronic jaw pain -I don’t crave sugar as often. I have actually been more conscious about cutting back on chewing gum over the past few weeks!! I might use this post as inspiration to quit chewing gum. Delay. Your post has given me the extra initiative I need to try to shake my gum habit. Gum was out of my life for almost 8 months and then I tried an “ice cube” gum and was hooked. I was never a huge gym chewer or juice drinker, so giving up gum and pop has never been a problem for me! Is it somethi… I don’t like to chew gum anymore either! I told her about my issue and she suggested taking a toothbrush to work, imagine that so simple! Out of sight, out of mind. Nixed out the gum and boom, tummy back to normal! An important part of kicking any habit is to make yourself completely conscious of it. My mom has allergies to artificial sweeteners and so I realized the connection and stopped cold turkey. I only rarely chew it, but I, too, notice that I get bloated immediately when I chew it. This distorted my tasteebuds’ opinions of naturally sweet foods -for example, fruit didn’t taste nearly as delicious- and I found myself craving sugary, baked treats allthetime. Get all of my blogging and social media tips in one spot! This is something I need to be more mindful of. I was never a big gum chewer but i totally quit gum and mints a couple years ago when I discovered my fave breath fix: breath sprays! These days I get achy and bloated if I chew gum….not worth it! #kidatheart. Though not as expensive as alcohol or tobacco, buying several packs of gum a day can impact your expenses. Thank you for reading! Listerine makes a good one and there are some other, more natural brands, too. I asked the dental assistant about this and she actually suggested chewing gum to help with stains from tea! Ha weird, I know. It’s not like you’re digesting it–so you basically just have a disgusting chewed-up ball of rubber! Please check your entries and try again. Now I never eat or drink anything with artificial sweeteners, and whenever I chew a piece of gum I totally notice how it makes me feel bloated!!! I think I have misophonia. Reasons to Quit Chewing Gum and Better Options. I was never a big gum chewer but i totally quit gum and mints a couple years ago when I discovered my fave breath fix: breath sprays! I guess maybe the chewing helped me concentrate?? I too notice the same things since cutting it out a few years ago and am so glad I did! Gum addicts commonly chew one or more packs of gum in a 24-hour-period. I too used to be obsessed with gum and was laughing to myself about it as I eyed all those packages in the checkout line at Target the other day. She served in the U.S. Army as a combat medic and nurse for over six years and recently worked as the Community Relations Director for a health center. I mean really… This wad of tacky stuff flying around in my mouth? I, too, used to be gum obsessed. Leaf Group Ltd. 2021 It’s actually a pet peeve of mine, having to watch or even worse hearing someone else chew gum. I started chewing gum to distract me whenever I felt hungry between meals, and still rely on it when I’m bored or really need to concentrate at work. Chewing gum makes you swallow excess air, which can contribute to bloating. Oh man, I was in the same boat with the gum chewing. The prescription medication Chantix (varenicline) is effective at helping chewers and dippers quit. The material appearing on LIVESTRONG.COM is for educational use only. If you click on the link where she talks about oil pulling, you can read the post she did on the topic. How did you stop?! I’d chew until the flavor ran out and then pop in another 2 pieces. I used to be a gum addict, I would Need a piece everyday after lunch. I liked orbit, I don’t even know the flavor I just know it was the dark blue one haha! You may find yourself craving gum throughout the day. haha), but rarely chew it any more. by healthtipsnow; April 24, 2019 December 15, 2020; The minty sweet kind of biting gum is a low-calorie approach to supplant pastries, battle longings, or manage pressure. Like you I was gum addicted– sometimes more than a pack a day. Repeat this process until the tingle is gone (about 30 minutes). Who knows. I ALWAYS have a piece in my mouth, and must have a piece when I’m doing cardio. Constant gum chewing can cause aching jaws, dental problems, and bloating. Ban chewing gum Chewing gum is the go to if you want to keep your breath fresh during the day, but it has an unwanted side effect. You may find yourself craving gum throughout the day. Great post! –lol On the nicotine found in tobacco. Welcome to The Fitnessista, a healthy lifestyle blog emphasizing quick workouts, quick recipes and adventures as a wife and mom. The most popular choice is an organic compound called butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Hi, gorgeous! Because chewing is not an uncontrollable nervous tick, some unintentional bodily reaction or indication of an unwanted illness, but rather a choice—an honest-to … I can TOTALLY relate to this post! Success! I don’t miss it at all! It always seems to make me hungry. Say Goodbye to Gum for Good. Copyright © It’s been smoked, snorted and chewed; in cigarettes, dip and dip pouches.There are all kinds of reasons users start chewing smokeless tobacco, including pressure from friends, dry mouth, watching older family members chew and as an energy boost.The Best Reasons to Quit the … The Stop Chewing Gum Hypnosis Script from The Script Collection was created to help gum chewers who want to kick the habit get out of their dependency on it quickly and easily. Unless you opt for sugar-free gum 100 percent of the time, that … I actually have some of the toothbrushes with built in toothpaste that are disposable. Because of the artificial sweeteners in the gum I frequently chewed, it seemed like I always wanted to be eating something even sweeter. I’m going to pretend it’s Lent season and give it a go. It sounds silly in comparison to heroin, drinking, smoking or compulsive overeating, especially when chewing gum can be a substitute for a more serious addiction, like smoking. Gum addicts commonly chew one or more packs of gum in a 24-hour-period. Julie Hampton has worked as a professional freelance writer since 1999 for various newspapers and websites including "The Florida Sun" and "Pensacola News Journal." Now I carry a travel size bottle of mouthwash with me (refill it as needed) and I love Trader Joe’s green tea mints. Great post! All day every day you could most likely catch me with a piece of gum in my mouth. Pretty much at any point during the day, I’d have a piece in my mouth. Visit your dentist on a regular basis to check for any dental abnormalities that may develop from excess gum chewing including increased cavities. I feel like vomitting now just thinking about it. Love them- they definitely get rid of the garlic! Chew on some carrots, celery, or cucumber. Not to mention, it gets expensive when you buy pack after pack of gum. I'll also send you regular updates on fitness and healthy living! It reminds me of cows. xoxo. I chewed when I was anxious bored or hungry. It’s delicious & easy to grow! I heard some interesting things about oil pulling but haven’t given it a try yet! Though I am a certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor and weight loss specialist, the information posted here is not intended to substitute the advice of a medical professional. -Eat a few sprigs of fresh mint. I never thought about chewing gum making you consume excess air…wow! -Floss and brush during the day. Every once in a blue moon I will chew a piece of gum, but spit it out 5 minutes later as it now tastes bad to me and makes my mouth feel gross. They have some fancy water infusion bottles now, too. Never woulda thought. I like to think that as I’m chewing my brain tells my stomach to make room for more food to enter. I’m not a huge fan of aspartame, but I’ll have some xylitol mints or regular sugar gum every blue moon. I keep mini Altoids in my car for my post-coffee commute and random pick-me-ups, but otherwise I find that I don’t miss gum at all! Find alternative methods to keep your breath feeling fresh. Also, mint flossies. Replace gum with sunflower or fennel seeds. Bad breath, lack of concentration, dieting and sheer habit are several reasons people chew gum. It was sobering to realize that I used something seemingly so innocuous as a crutch to ignore my body’s otherwise obvious hunger cues, and my relationship with food has suffered as a result over the past couple of years. I’m still a huge fan of oil pulling, especially for the fresh breath benefits. Bad breath, lack of concentration, dieting and sheer habit are several reasons people chew gum. First I started off with Winterfresh and Orbit, which I will say are absolutely delicious, and went over to more natural options like Spry (sweetened with xylitol). I found it at Whole Foods and never looked back. It’s not that they WANT to chew. Out with one, in with another. I gave up gum when I moved to Switzerland and haven’t really missed it at all. I’m not even sure if this is scientific or completely made up by me. , I noticed almost immediately that I was no longer so bloated at the end of the day. i had packets upon packets with me in school, then when i realized it was sort of a bad habbit, cut down to only mint, then tried to stop by going 1 to 1/2 piece, etc. I used to chew gum all the time, too, but I stopped a few years ago after my husband (who’s allergic to aspartame and can’t have most gum) told me that he didn’t understand how I could be so health-conscious, yet chew a bunch of artificially sweetened gum all the time. I don’t know what happened–one day–I think my jaw and teeth were just seriously aching too much and I couldn’t stomach it anymore. If you experience strong or frequent cravings, you can chew a second piece of nicotine gum within the hour. Thanks, Gina! After about a minute, when the tingling is almost gone, start chewing again. Nicotine lozenges are effective at helping chewers and dippers quit. i think that’s why i chewed it so often, too. The LIVESTRONG Foundation and LIVESTRONG.COM do not endorse Used as a chewing gum, nicotine gum comes in two strengths: 2mg for people who smoked less than 25 cigarettes a day, and 4mg for those who smoked 25 or more cigarettes a day. I was a gum addict too and started to get awful stomach aches from the air, so I had to stop. The hardest thing to give up was the sweeteners in coffee but I weaned myself off and now I just like milk and really think it makes it taste sweet enough! “However, it isn’t an issue of overly sensitive hearing – a misophonia sufferer’s hearing is exactly the same as everyone else’s,” says Gupt… After chewing gum constantly for years, I noticed some jaw soreness. While you are chewing away you are continually swallowing air. either way I do best to avoid gum. No gum for me! I have to get back into oil pulling! Decrease overall sugar in your diet, suggests Dr. David Katz in the Sept. 2008 issue of "O, the Oprah magazine." I bought the crest whitening toothpaste to keep at work and have noticed a major improvement in my teeth whiteness. Funny how much that has changed! "The crunch" chopped salad with homemade Ranch dressing, Thanks! I can finally go a few moments without gum, but it’s definitely becoming more of a problem. I was addicted. And the sugar alcohols cause gas, cramps and diarrhea in many. It’s so much better to truly nourish yourself and take good care of your body! Constant chewing of nicotine gum may be an oral fixation for you. I had to give up gum years ago due to my acid reflux and o so sensitive tummy! that’s exactly how i was. The cost of gum addiction adds up. I used to love gum back in high school and I’m so glad I decided to kick that habit. The minty sweet flavor of chewing gum is a low calorie way to replace desserts, combat cravings, or deal with stress.These days “healthy” chewing gums are even available in health food stores, either sugar-free or with some beneficial ingredients. I couldn’t believe how I am less bloated, and I don’t crave sugar nearly as much! I know gum is not good for my stomach….Last September I did a three day juice til dinner cleanse and they told me to cut out gum as it sometimes makes the body think you are hungry etc. I'm so glad you're here. But no food enters because I’m just chewing on gum. Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist. I too was once gum obsessed but have since quit the habit. A dry mouth contains dying bacteria that is associated with bad breath. Here are some tips for identifying and beating your triggers: Write down events, situations and people who might trigger you. I don’t even think it freshens breath, at least not past the 2 minutes it has scent. -Go for a natural option. -I don’t have jaw discomfort. Perfect timing, as I was just thinking about my gum chewing of late causing my TMJ to flare up. I would literally chew an entire pack–sometimes 3 in a matter of 3 hours. Some artificial sweeteners in gum have a mild laxative on the body, states the International Chewing Gum Association. they are portable, quick and easy. Constant gum chewing causes aching jaws, dental problems and bloating. My go-to is Trident and usually peppermint or spearmint. I find it’s an incredibly tough habit to break! I do know that it can sometimes have a laxative effect (yuck) but didn’t realize it could be the cause of gas and bloating. Slowly increase the time over several days or weeks. Privacy Policy When you begin to crave the next piece of gum, set a time limit you must reach before it is popped in your mouth. Blechh! Fortunately, in the beginning, stages, gum recession is entirely reversible. Ugh, I hate gum. Terms of Use I was a gum chewin’ fiend back in the day when I was super restrictive with my diet (because if I couldn’t eat, then dammit I was going to chew SOMETHING! Purchase →. Definitely a welcome change!! It’s sugar free bubble gum for me. I had no problems in college, but after college I started getting stomach aches from the artificial sweeteners. I was soooo damn bloated all the time. Listerine makes a good one and there are some other, more natural brands, too. I stopped chewing gum a few years ago too. . [1] X Research source Try to determine when you most crave a piece of bubble gum. I only have a few pieces a week but I like that it’s all natural. Horrible I know! The laxative effect is not harmful to the body. It was kind of funny – I spent 2 weeks running with awful cramps and couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Bad habit!! Begin to decrease the total number of pieces you chew a day. It was awful! i didnt know you oil pulled! That includes figuring out when you engage in that habit the most, what is happening around you when you engage in the habit, and what you get out of it. When I got pregnant, I tried to be more mindful of my artificial sugar intake and realized that I didn’t need to chew gum 24/7. Even now out of prep I still rely on gum all of the time purely as habit! Infusing water makes it easier for me to get in adequate water intake, and it’s fun to switch up flavor combos. About a minute, when the tingling is almost gone, start chewing.... That ’ s actually a pet peeve of mine to it or snus yourself! To talk about gluten, caffeine, sugar, or honeycomb because of the day I always a... I moved to Switzerland and haven ’ t miss it at all one and there are some other, natural! While some cases are accidental, cheek biting and chewing can be an fixation... 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