But the idea in his mind is not one of comparative motions. Who, then, shall give wings to a heavy laden sinner, strong enough to sustain him in his upward flight? Halsey.The spiritual teaching of this verse is, that for all the stages and moods of our life-pilgrimage Heaven's grace is available and sufficient.(J. He is making His will. (2)Walk with Christ. V. Reflections —1. "They shall mount up," etc.(T. It is painful to be in that condition in which we feel that we can, and yet cannot; that we have faculty, yet lack inspiration; that we have wings of heavenward desire, with but little power to use them. WHAT BENEFITS AND AIDS THEY RECEIVE WHO WAIT UPON THE LORD. They that wait upon the Lord shall "change," that is, they shall have another strength bestowed upon them, and such as will be more useful to them. By continually waiting upon God. Cooke.The Lord's people must wait —1. God seems to observe in spiritual things a similar order to that which exists in natural things. Hocart.These consolations are suited to men in all ages, and in all countries. We have not far to search for the answer.1. It is one thing to begin, and another thing to go on.3. To one who thus heroically soars towards God and His light, the things of time and earth seem trivial and contemptible. For even before conversion there is a kind of strength which does appear, and that also in reference to religion, and the duties of it, but it is not such a strength as any are to rest themselves contented with. It is a crown (1 Corinthians 9:25). There are some kinds of people in the world who all on a sudden will amend their lives. Horton, D. D.Profane and desperate persons fly off in a discontent and impatience, like Jehoram (2 Kings 6:33). Howells.I. (1) The first typifies lofty aspiration and heroic action. There are also occasions when the best thing the believer can do is to sit still and cease from his own exertions; when everything must be looked for from God. But because the higher nature of some people is unfolded early, are we to make them the criterion for other people? We all, therefore, belong to it in one sense or another, and cannot pass out of it.(W. To wait on the Lord is the drawing nigh unto Him, to pour out our wants before Him, though He knows them so well, to plead the necessities arising out of our own ignorance, waywardness, and poverty of soul, to ask for His light to shine in our darkness, to clear our minds of the mists and fogs of native prejudice and of traditional error, to make plain before us our path of duty, and to keep our feet steadfast therein, to take into His loving hands the discipline and correction of our hearts, and to make us willing to undergo it, to keep us from all vanity and lies, and from every form of subtle self-deception, so that we may ever be true to Him and to ourselves. Child of God, that is to be your position. THE IMPORT OF THE DECLARATION, that they who thus wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; or, as the words might be translated, shall be renewed in strength.1. It is the period of disenchantment; when we discover the bounds of the practical, and when we have a stronger sense of life's limitations than of its possibilities. This renewing influence must come from God; surely that is a statement in harmony both with reason and with Scripture. They are both to be censured and pitied.4. The nature of each man's hopes will be in accordance with his ruling desires, and the amount of his hopefulness will depend on that to which he trusts for the fulfilment of his desires. Never failing to seek and obtain fellowship with God in the highest, always daring to attempt great actions, this heavenly minded man has thoughts and yearnings which raise his mode of life above the level of common things. Yet, further, there is a waiting on the Lord which is neither prayer nor praise, but silent and serene contemplation, when the mind muses upon His wondrous works and ponders over the stupendous fact that the infinite and eternal God can and will and does come near to the soul of His finite and imperfect creature man, and permits the ineffable solace and privilege of communion with Himself.3. (2) In the subject, for the former strength is only in the outward, this in the inward man. So here the prophet does not mean to say that if we would "renew our strength," we have simply to seek an interview with God and lay our request before Him; but that if we keep looking to God with a believing and patient expectation, new vigour will come to us, our very patience will be a source of strength, and the God in whom we hope will not disappoint us.2. "Waiting on the Lord" by prayer has the same effect on them that it has on an empty bucket to set it under a rain-spout. He gains wide outlooks; he breathes a clear and crystalline atmosphere. To make our religion a delight and a glory we must surely wait on the Lord with songs of gladness and joy, praising Him more for what He is, and for what He has taught us to know and believe Him to be, than for the good gifts which His bounty hath bestowed.2. HOW ARE WE TO RENEW OUR STRENGTH? THE DEMONSTRATION OR CONFIRMATION OF THIS. Nor does it wait in vain. It promoteth that humility which is our greatest security, and restrains that pride which goeth before a fall. It is like a river or a stream — always passing away, and yet the power is always present; the power moving the mill-wheel, not by jerks, but by a continuous stream, always passing away, and yet ever flowing in; one measure of strength succeeding that which has been expended. You see the progression of ideas; it is strength that has to be renewed, and it has to be renewed by God, and God gives it when we wait upon Him. The pious man is compared in Scripture to the sun — "his soul is as the shining light, which shineth more and more unto the perfect day." Then there is the "running," that is ready obedience — a mark of the true servant. Even when incapable of being active in the service of God, grace is promised for enabling them to move forward without fainting in the path of submission and suffering.(D. 681 B.C.). THE INTERESTING EFFECTS OF ITS BRING SO RENOVATED OR INCREASED. And, at any cost, let him who speaks from the mouth of the true God himself be true. The more alert and bold a youth will be, the more certainly he will at some time overtask his strength. Hidden in that secret pavilion we see things as they really are. V. Tymms.I. It is in the period of youth that we have our ambitious dreams, and take our higher flights. That word "become," in the new version, is full of deep meaning in this connection. And then, before you pray, sit still, and shut your eyes and say, Will God now listen to me for certain? If a number of ships of war were sent out to sea, and were ready to start at any moment, and if the question were asked, what are they waiting for?, the answer would likely be one of two things: either that they were waiting for supplies, or waiting for orders. But the margin speaks of this renewal as a change of strength, as if it would remind us of the mansidedness of the grace of God, and its perfect adaptability to our everchanging needs.II. Power is hidden in patience, as the subtle force of the lightning slumbers in the brooding cloud. But there is immense energy in us still. But hope feeds upon every act to which it prompts, and it grows thereby.2. Zeal to the soul is what animal heat is to the body. It is a grand thing that there is one time in our lives when we have wings. Halsey.We find the same idea also in the New Testament with spiritual applications. )Godly optimismF. )Strength renewed by waiting on the LordA. And what does God reveal in contrast with His great omnipotence? The older Jewish commentators imagined they discovered here a reference to an ancient belief that at a certain time the eagle plunged into the sea and bathed off his worn-out plumage, and that afterwards new feathers grew. Nor does it wait in vain. Tymms. But that stage, too, passes. All things are possible to him that believeth. There is no need for the word of inspiration to tell us that you can begin with a big inspiration and go on fast for a time, and then slow down to the ordinary tramp. THE HOPES THAT ARE BASED ON FAITH GIVE STRENGTH TO LIVE FOR GOD. The man lies down on his bed, and "waits." (3) But as only few can fly and only some can run, there are still some who can only walk. The soul of fallen man naturally grovels on the earth; his face instead of being raised to heaven, is prone toward the ground. For we have lost the exhilaration of youth and the stimulus of strong emotions. And it is this that tries our mettle most of all. In point of comfort. It is better not to seek to produce ecstatic experiences in anticipation of the normal methods.3. L. Wiseman, B. We renew our strength to meet misfortunes and to carry our load of grief or bereavement, to keep a cheerful heart under the depression of disease, and when chilled by the cold shadow of death. SPIRITUAL STRENGTH, HOW IS IT TO BE OBTAINED? This large world, the spiritual, into which Isaiah has ushered us, includes all worlds, for it is as limitless as its Ruler. It implies patience. (Andrew Murray. Harwood. It will also lead us to exert our best endeavours, and put forth all our own strength, as we would not be chargeable with the guilt of affronting God by asking His help without them. He sees the clouds and mist around the planet, but not the world itself. And all our waiting upon God will depend upon one thing — the knowledge that we have of Him. The contrast is between human weakness and God’s strength. It was as he pursued the ordinary routine of his ministry along the common ways, with the humbling "thorn" ever rankling in his flesh, that he felt the need of and received special succour. Who, then, shall give wings to a heavy laden sinner, strong enough to sustain him in his upward flight? It was as he pursued the ordinary routine of his ministry along the common ways, with the humbling "thorn" ever rankling in his flesh, that he felt the need of and received special succour. The slight and shifting nature of the foundations on which worldly hopes are built makes it evident that they can do but little towards giving abiding and progressive strength to character, while frequent failures and disappointments depress and enfeeble. If not, some other hope will be cherished, for not to hope is not to live. "Waiting upon the Lord." They are said, in our text, "to mount up on wings as eagles." Running is undignified, say some, it is more stately to walk, more dignified even to sit still. )Running and walkingF. "Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father." "They shall renew their strength." It was his religious observance of the laws of the Nazarite which occasioned his extraordinary power. "Every man that hath this hope in Him purifieth himself, even as He is pure. Where there is strength there will be diligence in well-doing. It is often found in persons of weak understanding, and in minds not highly cultivated by refined education.3. (4) Humility, meekness, peace, and joy may not seem, at first view, to contribute anything to strength, but in truth they are among the necessary elements of this vigour of mind. Thomas, D. D.)Waiting on GodJ. The meaning is obviously, They, all depend upon Thee; men and beasts alike.2. "Waiting on the Lord" by prayer has the same effect on them that it has on an empty bucket to set it under a rain-spout. But in time the eye becomes dim, and the subtle beauties of a fine painting cannot be seen; the ear becomes dull, and the sweetest music charms no more. (vers. A good Christian performs good duties with some life and fervour in them.2. A. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper.3. Knight, M. A.I. This strength is that qualification of mind by which the followers of Christ are enabled to endure trials and bear the cross.5. This posture of mind becomes the ignorance and guilt and unworthiness of the creature; the perfection, the wisdom and love of such a Being.5. There is a vast deal of verve in the original Hebrew; it signifies to be strong enough to hold out. The tyro in cycling will go at full pelt; but only the experienced rider can walk or stand. The truth lies the other way! When the body is debilitated and needs to be strengthened, they spare no pains or expense to recover impaired health. Although we cannot always account for these moods of the soul, we might all experience them more frequently if our habitual attitude were more of a "waiting upon God." And it is this that tries our mettle most of all. For even before conversion there is a kind of strength which does appear, and that also in reference to religion, and the duties of it, but it is not such a strength as any are to rest themselves contented with. Hope and strength rapidly grow when faith clearly sees and steadfastly rests on the firm ground of forgiveness in the death of Christ. Use all strength as a gift of God. L. Wiseman, B. I do not say "Do not pursue your ideal," but what I say is this, "If you ever really want to make your ideal, you must be endued with the power from on high."(F. When you go into your closet for your morning devotions, do not, as is very often done, read the Bible and think about it and pray about it, and then get up and go. A patient spirit has the wings of faith and hope. A. Tymms. To do this makes greater demands upon our moral steadfastness than to do either of the before-mentioned stages in our life experience. This is expressive of —1. By this strength, spiritual duties are acceptably performed.4. But the prophet has a deeper thought than this. There are two wings in our spiritual ascent — faith and obedience. Beneath that bright beam the moisture that encumbered it is exhaled; its bent stalk raises itself again, its shrivelled petals expand into beauty, and it diffuses around a cheering fragrance in gratitude to the power that has renewed its strength. The prophet Isaiah wrote it at approximately 700 B.C. L. Wiseman, B. A.But is the prophet translated rightly? Halsey.But, you say, if this progression of ideas is a true climax, flying, running, walking — why stay there? (Andrew Murray. If vanity share the sacrifice, or irreverence desecrate it, God will turn away our prayers and His mercy from us: our service will be an abomination unto Him. Our whole future is mapped out with tests and trials, but we need not be afraid of these things if we are in the stream of the Divine supply. Jones.I. In short, it is a grace, just as much as the grace of faith, or love, or humility. )The continued renewal of strengthR. I brought but little there. I can strive no more, says the tired heart. One who waits upon the king behaves in a different way from one who waits upon an ordinary person. This is the mainspring of all spiritual exercises. The prophet Isaiah wrote it at approximately 700 B.C. To "renew their strength."1. Horton, D. D.This it nearly concerns us to do upon these considerations.1. But those who wait on the LORD. Let me translate that last word again, translate it by a word that is about as wide in its English significance as the word used by the prophet in his own time, "They shall mount up, they shall run, they shall go." know what it is to mount up. Who can bring strength out of weakness? You have learnt that to your sorrow by the bitter teaching of experience. It is quite clear that the order in which the prophet wrote was, "They that wait upon the Lord shall walk and not faint, shall run and not be weary, shall mount up with wings as eagles." Flying. The soul of fallen man naturally grovels on the earth; his face instead of being raised to heaven, is prone toward the ground. Nor does it wait in vain. Voysey, B. The soul of fallen man naturally grovels on the earth; his face instead of being raised to heaven, is prone toward the ground. L. Wiseman, B. A.Mount up with wings as eagles, run, walk. They shall walk, and not faint." A collected frame of mind.3. Luther changed the course of the centuries by faith. V. Tymms.It is a great mistake to suppose that only the puny are liable to downfalls. "These wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat in due season." We cannot have any good news for any age, or for any people, or for any soul, without Him. For this, earthly and human strength will not avail. It is a grand thing that there is one time in our lives when we have wings. Once more, the Christian is prompted to strenuous and persevering action by the appeal made to his desires. It is often found in persons of weak understanding, and in minds not highly cultivated by refined education.3. The older Jewish commentators imagined they discovered here a reference to an ancient belief that at a certain time the eagle plunged into the sea and bathed off his worn-out plumage, and that afterwards new feathers grew. You know who wrote that, and how true to the experience of a Christian is his picture. We use the word "wait" with reference to service: a servant "waits" upon his master or his master's guests. Perhaps that is the commentary on this verse. But we speak encouragement to those who have already assumed the waiting position, and are thus tarrying the Lord's leisure. You see the eagle mounting up by a power that God has given it. This large world, the spiritual, into which Isaiah has ushered us, includes all worlds, for it is as limitless as its Ruler. That word "become," in the new version, is full of deep meaning in this connection. The flower, too, that had drooped and withered at the close of day, is revived by the cool and the dews of night, and in the morning puts forth its buds, and expands its leaves anew, delighting the eye with the beauty of its colours, or perfuming the air with the sweets of its fragrance. Men never could see the corona of the sun — the red flame that surrounds that orb — until the sun was eclipsed; and the corona, the light, the glory of God is seen when men are under eclipse and in darkness. But we have good reason to believe that the prophet drew his imagery from familiar objects in the land of exile. That Divine help is to be sought by prayer.4. In Isaiah 40:30, we read, “Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall.” )Strength renewed by waiting on the LordA. Although every degree of spiritual strength is a precious possession, and we are not permitted "to despise the day of small things," yet it is the duty and privilege of every believer to aim at high attainments in the Divine life, and to encourage and aid others in doing the same.(A. The result will be as it is figuratively expressed: We shall mount up; we shall run; we shall walk.I. WHAT IS MEANT BY WAITING UPON THE LORD? We are rich and strong, not by the things which we possess, but by the amount of true manhood which is developed in us.5. We are altogether dependent upon God for our natural, as well as for our spiritual strength. By that renovation and increase of spiritual strength which is the effect of waiting on the Lord, His people acquire greater alacrity and perseverance in doing His will. And when a contrary disposition is charged upon Israel, the Psalmist expresses it by saying, "They waited not for His counsel": that is, they wanted it not, nor meant to follow it, and therefore would not wait to receive it. THE BASIS OF LIFE'S EXALTATION. This is different, and surpassing the other. If anything were needed to teach men the necessity for connecting their own spirits with the Divine, it is the quick exhaustion of individual resources. Isaiah was commissioned at the end of this time period. Their faith at one time is supported only by the promises,,-at other times by their own experience (Psalm 27:14; Lamentations 3:25, 26; Isaiah 30:18; Isaiah 49:23).3. II. Our utter impotence. Now those composite figures had subtle meanings. Individual instructors or editors may still require the use of URLs. They will run nimbly enough after pleasure, wealth and fame, but not after the things which God bids them run after. Youth is full of impulses, full of excesses, full of exaggerations. Here is a Christian, bewildered, not quite knowing why he has so perpetually failed. Renewal often comes to men in their extremity like this.3. )The continued renewal of strengthR. None had such joy as Christ. Zeal fills the soul with courage to encounter enemies and surmount obstacles. A change from one kind of strength to another. A sense of our own weakness, and our need of Divine help.2. That is precisely what Paul does say. "They that wait upon the Lord."II. There are many things for which we can only ask and then wait in quiet stillness, things which we cannot help God to give us, things which God Himself bestows without our aid, if we are ever to possess them. There is a vast deal of verve in the original Hebrew; it signifies to be strong enough to hold out. Health, hope, and desire pass quickly away together, and a loaded table becomes an object of revulsion. Horton, D. D.)Renewing strengthT. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Use semicolons to separate groups: 'Gen;Jdg;Psa-Mal' or 'Rom 3-12;Mat 1:15;Mat 5:12-22', There are options set in 'Advanced Options', The Whole Bible Historical Books They are both to be censured and pitied.4. Horton, D. D.is amplified by a resemblance to a threefold motion.1. Thank God, too, for the running stage. Wisdom Literature Waiting, in Scripture language, is a term used to denote dependence. (1) The delay of answering our prayers (Luke 18:1). "Mount up with wings as eagles." Holy hope is a wing that will bear the soul above to its anticipated possessions.III. To walk we want something like continuous, sustained evenness of conduct, progressing quietly and steadily day by day in the common round of life; not impulsive, not capricious, not changeable; without show, humble, and always the same. By that renovation and increase of spiritual strength which is the effect of waiting on the Lord, His people acquire greater alacrity and perseverance in doing His will. Horton, D. D.)The strength of a ChristianT. But the Christian has had that care upon his heart daffy, and he knows how to bear it, and before whom to lay it. Then I repaired to one of the tonic springs and "waited" on its bubbling waters, trusting them and taking them into my system. (Evan H. Hopkins, B. It is far easier for some of us to run than to walk. But when the evening comes, he is exhausted. THE SUPPORT OF LIFE'S JOURNEY. WHAT IS IMPLIED IN WAITING UPON GOD?1. V. Ward Beecher.What are some of the methods by which men, in the Divine economy, advance in spiritual impulse, and rise permanently higher?1. If you and I have this grace, and if we practise it, what may we expect?1. )The renewed of strengthJ. Child of God, that is to be your position. 5. Sooner or later, that day comes when one must confess, "I just can't do it.". "They shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall go on and on and not faint." Tucker, B. To wait upon Him implies a practical recognition of His existence, personal superintendence, and absolute authority. Because they are imperfect.3. There are two wings in our spiritual ascent — faith and obedience. There are amateur and spasmodic philanthropists who dabble occasionally with the great social problems, and they feel their weight and cry out in despair. This sounds as if they were in danger of becoming weary and faint in their minds. 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