New York: Academic; 1984. Quality aspects of animal care falling under laboratory animal welfare regulations will not be considered here. A 0.03 ml of fluid is injected directly by a one ml syringe at a site midway between the outer canthus of the eye and the point of attachment of the pinna of the ear about 3 mm from the midline. Coccidiosis (Protozoan disease) and pseudo tuberculosis (caused by Yersinia pseudo tuberculosis) are also common natural disease of animals. Delicate animals that require special care several times a day and those that suffer higher mortality rates may not be as desirable a choice as hardier fish that require less laboratory personnel time. Privacy Policy3. Clean cages should be used. Search for more papers by this author. 1. 25 or 26 gauge is used. When tissue is well-ground, more saline is added and allowed to stand for a short time. The animal is lifted gently supporting its weight with other hand placing the palm uppermost under the hind quarters. Protozoan diseases (coccidiosis toxoplasmosis), pseudo tuberculosis, S. typhimurium, abscess in lymph node (Streptococcus group C), haemorrhagic septicaemia (P. multocida) and viral pneumonia and paralysis. Natural infection by a mycobacterium resembling lepra bacillus has been observed in some wild caught armadillos in Texas and Mexico. The following dose of injections can be used: Sometimes two routes — intra-peritoneal and intra-cerebral — inoculations are done together in the same animal. Laboratory Animals: Regulations and Recommendations for the Care and Use of Animals in Research, Second Edition, is the only publication to offer a global compilation of standards on the care, welfare and use of animals in research. Amounts up to 5 ml can be introduced. The USDA and local ordinances should be consulted for information regarding regulations and approved suppliers. To be defined as a laboratory animal, the species must be bred and raised under ideal conditions and kept in a rigorously controlled environment under constant monitoring so that all microbiologic and genetic factors are known. Biossegurança em experimentação animal: um enfoque microbiológico. Best Practices 6. Animals should be handled with care. Marking animals 12. 6th ed. The hair over the ear is removed by dry shaving with a sharp razor. Managers also ensure that proper environmental conditions (temperatures, light levels and ventilation) are met at all times. 1. review at least once every six months the institution's program for humane care and use of animals, using the Guide as a basis for evaluation; 7. he 2015 reprint of the PHS Policy relects the following changes from the 2002 reprint: (1) On January 1, 2012, OLAW adopted the . Subcutaneous inoculation is made in the loose tissue about the flank or into the abdominal wall. The water is led in a 6-9 mm glass tubing through a rubber bung to an accessible position inside the cage; the outlet tubing is about 3 mm. The health and well-being of the animals depend on the care, human attitude of the animal-keepers (staff) of the animal house. The skin is sterilised with iodine and alcohol and then pinched up, and the needle is inserted. Share Your PPT File. Apply to Animal Technician, Laboratory Technician and more! Personnel working with animals must have the Responsible Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (RCULA) certificate. Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) for animal facilities is intended to assure quality maintenance and safety of animals used in laboratory studies while conducting biomedical and behavioral research and testing of products. Since the principal application of necropsy is to recover organisms previously injected into the animal, hence, the post-mortem examination must be conducted with strict aseptic precautions. Suckling mice of 48 hours old or less are emplo­yed for the isolation of herpes simplex, enteric and other arbo-viruses. To be defined as a laboratory animal, the species must be bred and raised under ideal conditions and kept in a rigorously controlled environment under constant monitoring so that all microbiologic and genetic factors are known. Care and Management of Equines used in the Production of Biologicals 2001 97 -146 9. Sharp PE, La Regina MC. Litter 5. Carry out a daily wipe down of all equipment exteriors 2. Apply to Animal Technician, Laboratory Technician and more! National Research Council—Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, Committee on Rodents. 2,731 Laboratory Animal Care Technician jobs available on Anver MR, Cohen BJ. 1982;16:204–7. A suitable animal board or table, on the top of which the carcase can be fixed in the supine position should be used. Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, distemper (virus) and foot rot (caused by mites). 7. Laboratory animal – Laboratory Animal Science – Three Rs – Welfare. Proper handling of laboratory animals goes a along way to ensure reproducible results are obtained. What are the factors which induce heart failure? Search for more papers by this author. The ear is shaved and sterilised with sterile gauze soaked in 70% alcohol. 2. inspect at least once every six months all of the institution's animal facilities (including satellite facilities) using the Guide as a basis for evaluation; Failing this, the operator should use a mask. A 1 ml all-glass tuberculin syringe, fitted with short needle No. Components of those costs are personnel, regulatory compliance, veterinary medical care, and laboratory animal management, equipment, and procedures. When intravenous injection is to be given, care must be taken that no large particles are injected. Principles, minimum standards and recommendations for the housing and care of laboratory mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits Part 3.1 — Nutrition Part 3.2 — Animal enclosures Part 3.3 — Climate control Part 3.4 — Behaviour and environmental enrichment Part 3.5 — Maintenance and hygiene Part 3.6 — Handling and basic procedures (ii) Animal infected experimentally with bacteria or viruses should be kept in separate isolation rooms to prevent spread of infection to other animals. It establishes minimum standards for the housing and care of these animals under The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (The Act) and Regulations 1997. A guide to production, care and use of laboratory animals. New York: Academic; 1979. p. 378–99. They are also used for production of immune sera used in diagnostic purpose. Rat is handled in the same way as guinea pig by experienced operator. While institutions are required to establish an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee as part of their authorization, their authority to review research permit applications is subjected to Council approval. (i) Newly arrived animals to be kept in a special quarantine room and kept under observation for 10-14 days. Clapp MJL, Bradbrook C. Growth and longevity of rats fed an agar-bound diet. This method is mainly used in testing cultures of the diphtheria bacillus for toxigenicity. ), rat fleas, Musca domestica L. sandflies (Phlebotomus) and mosquitos. The skull is perforated with a trephine or mechanical drill. Insect pests 4. Of primary importance to a research animal and to the outcome of your experiments is the establishment of a regular routine. De-Luca RR, Alexandre SR, Marques T, Souza NL, Merusse JL, Neves SP. Rubber gloves, instru­ments and tray are thoroughly sterilised. Intravenous administration of specimen or culture is made carefully with fine needle. Psychologists should make every effort to Introduction. The mouse placed in such position cannot turn round and bite. Lesions associated with aging. 1976;10:93–104. When the animal is inoculated with highly patho­genic organisms the worker should always wear rubber gloves. John C. Donovan. Acquisition of Laboratory Animals A. 1/10/2020 CITI - Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative 3/5 it immediately to their attending veterinarian or IACUC (or use another reporting method recommended by their organization). Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? TOS4. These specimens are inoculated with a medium- bore needle but in case of tenacious material, like pus and sputum, is injected through a wide-bore needle. Before operation, heated (by Bunsen burner) petroleum jelly is kept ready in a container. Therefore, laboratory animal handling, care and its management is an integral part of any research laboratories, especially laboratories of animal research institutes. Necropsy should be performed carefully in the usual way. Salmonellae of various types (e.g. John C. Donovan. To keep animals healthy, the staff has to look after cleanliness of the animal rooms and cages, provide proper food and water, to move to a cooler or warmer place and to provide air. Animals should be housed in facilities dedicated to or assigned for that purpose and should not be housed in laboratories merely for convenience. Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) website at and includes . Lab Anim. National Institutes of Health Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (2002). Metal instruments are sterilised by boiling in a sterilising bath, e.g. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. The code of practice sets out the standards of care and accommodation of animals required by the Animals (Scientific) Procedures Act 1986 … Care and Management of Laboratory Animals: The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016, Rodent Model as Tools in Ethical Biomedical Research, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Vontz Center for Molecular Studies—University of Cincinnati, The tray of sterile instruments is lifted out of the sterilizer and laid on a spread towel which has previously been soaked in 1: 1,000 solution of mercuric chloride. (4) Methods whereby deficiencies in animal care and treatment are reported, including deficiencies in animal care and treatment reported by any employee of the facility. and Use of Laboratory Animals Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. The wearing of a large overall made of waterproof material is strongly recommended in all PM exami­nation and, in addition, the use of some form of glasses or goggles to protect the eyes is to be done. Recommendations for the health monitoring of mouse, rat, hamster, guinea pig and rabbit breeding colonies. This board is then placed in a large enameled iron tray. A program of animal care and use includes multiple components that work synergistically to support activities involving laboratory animals. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. São Paulo: Winner Graph; 1996. p. 259. A long median incision is now made through the skin of the abdomen and chest and then the skin is widely dissected, exposing the abdominal and chest muscles. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals provides a framework for the judgments required in the management of animal facilities—a resource of proven value, now updated and expanded. In fowls, sub­cutaneous inoculation is done in pectoral or thigh regions. The peritoneal cavity is opened with second set of instruments and the abdominal wall is reflected to each side. 5 Last Revised December 20, 2016. The IACUC and the Office of Animal Resources have provided a set of guidance documents (Policies, Guidelines, and Informational Sheets) for use when planning animal procedures at the University of Iowa. After pinching up the skin of the animal between the thumb and forefinger, the point of the needle is inserted at the top of the fold so that the level of the needle is towards the surface of the skin. When nine-banded armadillo is inoculated with lepra bacilli, generalized infection develops with extensive multiplication of the bacilli and the lesions produced resemble lepromatous leprosy. The needle passes into the dermis only, as near as the surface. What is the significance of transpiration? Share Cite. Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA) guidelines and recommendations, EU Council Directive 86/609/EEC, EU Animals and Birds (Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes) Rules 2004, Singapore Bed bugs, fleas, lice, mites, ticks, flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches may all infest the animal house. A wiki ethogram for the laboratory mouse. Niteroi: Universidade Federal Fluminense; 1998. p. 93. Disclaimer Copyright, Share Your Knowledge Diarrhoea due to Salmonella typhimurium is a common natural disease of rabbits, guinea pigs and mice. 1976;85:115–30. Laboratory animals not bred in the psychologist’s facility are to be acquired lawfully. Usually white guinea pigs (300-400 g) are used. Comparative responses of rabbits and rats to elevated noise. Guidelines for the humane transportation of research animals. 5. The doe is placed in the cage of buck (male). LABORATORY ANIMALS FOR THE CARE AND USE OF Eighth Edition Committee for the Update of the Guide for the Care . However it is ideal to change the bedding twice a week Nesting materials for newly delivered pups … Only one eye is inoculated by dropping a drop of material through a Pasteur pipette. After removing from cage, the animal is placed in a non-slippery place as it otherwise feels insecure and becomes frightened. The suspen­sion must be centrifuged at a low speed and the supernatant fluid is used for intravenous admini­stration. The animal is anaesthetized with ether, hair over the head is shaved. Bethesda, MD: NIH. It’s advisable to: 1. Care must be taken not to open into the oesophagus if the lungs are to be used for cultivation. With a sharp downward movement inclined towards the midline is then made that takes the needle point through the ventricular wall. Lab animal technicians study and care for a variety of animals involved in research programs. Usually, a volume of 0.2 ml is injected. Lab Anim Sci. Background 2. Rabbits are mainly used for diagnostic purposes. Therefore, laboratory animal handling, care and its management is an integral part of any research laboratories, especially laboratories of animal research institutes. The tail vein is dilated by placing in water at about 45°C. "Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare" is an essential book for all those working with laboratory animals. Animal is then fixed to the board and towels moistened with antiseptic solution are placed over the head and lower extre­mities of the animal. Instruments include three scalpels; scissors, ordinary size, four pairs; mouse-toothed forceps, four pairs; small bone forceps, if the skull is to be opened; a searing iron—a 4-oz soldering bolt is suitable for the purpose; sterile glass-wares like capillary pipettes; Petri dishes, test tubes and tubes, bottles or plates of media. Cleanliness of room and cages is essential unless they are kept in considerable risk of epidemic diseases. A 100 ml bulb pipette (vide Fig. The specimen is then rubbed into the scarified area with the side of the scalpel. Saiz-Moreno L, Garcia de Osma JL, Fernández C. Animales de laboratorio: producción, manejo y control sanitario. Laboratory animals are to be provided with humane care and healthful conditions during their stay in any facilities of the institution. It is wrapped in craft paper and sterilised in the hot-air oven. Individually ventilated cages—microbial containment testing. Not logged in The animal is anaesthetized with ether and as soon as its breathing has become deep, a volume of 0.1 ml is introduced into the anterior nares one side only by an automatic pipette. Table of Contents 1. 2. Diet 3. Code of practice for the housing and care of animals bred, supplied or used for scientific purposes (full version): print-ready Ref: ISBN 9781474112390 , 19111403 12/14 44389 PDF , 3.42MB , 227 pages European hedgehog bred in captivity is suitable for propagation. Descriptions are given of methods of rearing or maintaining laboratory animals and of rearing ticks of the genus Ornithodoros, bugs (Cimex spp. This method is the same for rabbit and guinea pig and obviates superficial ulceration when tuberculous specimen is injected. Amendments in the protocol for use of equines for production of hyper immune sera (ASVS) 147 -148 10. Cages 6. Volume of 50 ml of blood per kg of body-weight can be obtained. Personnel working with animals must have a protocol or part of the researchers in the protocol that is approved by the NTU’s Institutional Care and Use Committee, NTU IACUC. Felasa. Monitoring 7. The use of animals in experimental research parallels the development of medicine, which had its roots in ancient Other organs like the liver, kidneys and renals may be similarly removed. The litters should be handled with great care and cleanliness to avoid biting from their mothers. Hair is clipped. Laboratory Diagnosis of Bacterial Diseases, Laboratory Diagnosis of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). A 0.45 ml of material is introduced into the occipital lobe of brain by a needle (cut down to 5/18 inch). 20 gauge mounted on a syringe) is inserted at this point between the ribs. an enameled “fish-kettle”. Cages may be boiled in soapy water; alterna­tively, to be kept immersed in a solution of disinfe­ctant such as 3% Lysol. This website includes study notes, research papers, essays, articles and other allied information submitted by visitors like YOU. Knives are properly sterilised in strong lysol (about 20%) and then placed in a weaker solution (2%). Such animals may be separated and investigated for the cause of disease. The lungs are then removed with fresh instruments by cutting each organ free at the hilum. For the success of this operation very sharp needles are essential. After soaking the carcase in antiseptic solution as before it is nailed to a rough piece of board of the appropriate size. An annotated bibliography. Each species of animal require its own type of cage. At a depth of 1 ½ inch (3.75 cm) the needle enters the ventricle. Covina Animal Hospital is a private small animal general practice currently seeking a full time Veterinary Technician with experience in a veterinary setting…We serve our mission by building a partnership with our clients, educating on the value of lifelong wellness, and providing human grade veterinary care in a Fear Free setting… The rabbit is picked up from cage with the ears by one hand in a firm grip and another hand is placed under the hind-quarters to support the weight and then lifted gently. Physiol Behav. Caught armadillos in Texas and Mexico & J Kirkwood, various authors the! Injects the material into the vein is incised with a sharp razor Requirements | Industrial Microbiology How! Syringe ) is on heat, vulva and vagina become red, swollen moist. A Pasteur pipette and mosquitos to a research animal and holds the ear point through the heart defined... Used to remove hair are animals used in biomedical research pp 23-37 | Cite as handling and care a! 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