Scientists believe chemo brain has more than one cause. Regular exercise also has been known to improve cognition or your ability to think and reason. Embrace Technology: use reminders on your cell phone and/or computer to help you remember important appointments, birthdays, projects, etc. We do everything we can to prevent the effects of treatment brain. We want to be aware, acknowledge that it exists and prevent it.". 10. Aerobic exercises – walking, running, dancing, or cycling, to name a few – are probably better, but one study did show that resistance and strength training helped as well. "The earlier we know, the easier it can be to fix.". Exercise. Get plenty of rest, since lack of sleep can impair brain function. Everyday things such as struggling to pay attention and multitask might be more difficult, which can sometimes be discouraging. Many cancer patients experience mental fogginess during or after cancer treatments. "Symptoms can come in waves or stages. 1. Remember, most symptoms of chemo brain do not last a long time. SUNDAY, June 3 (HealthDay News) -- A so-called "genius pill" may help breast cancer survivors suffering from the syndrome known as "chemo brain," new research suggests. Both conditions can impair mental cognition and make it difficult to concentrate. Chemo brain, or treatment brain, can cause problems with: Completing tasks or projects: Becoming disorganized or slow to complete an activity, Concentration: Difficulty focusing on one task at a time, "spacing out", Memory: Trouble remembering names, events or familiar details, Multitasking: Trouble doing two things at once, Word recall: Inability to find the word you want to say. 115 Main Street Suite 1. Remove Distractions: If you are trying to concentrate on something important, try to remove background noise or any other sensory information that may distract you from the task at hand. We don't want you to be fearful of chemotherapy because it is not the only cause of treatment brain symptoms.". (Read more HERE). Get adequate sleep: Sleep deprivation wreaks havoc on the brain. “If you can attend to things longer, you are more likely to store them [in … We use evidence-based hope. She says there are several lifestyle modifications you can make to prevent or minimize the effects of treatment brain, including: Practicing relaxation or mindfulness techniques. Find out more about Breast Cancer Index (BCI):'s a real thing. Learn some simple techniques that can sharpen your mind and put you back on top of your game. The most common symptoms they have relate to problems with cognition, memory, concentration, processing speed, alertness, energy levels and mood (i.e. Consider earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones. 2. How can I manage chemo brain? Vectomega gives your brain exactly what it needs to overcome “chemo brain”, stroke, and the impact of time. Patients may find they have experience some or all of the following: -Forgetting details you would ordinarily remember (names, dates, etc). Luckily, there are a variety of ways to help fight this feeling! "I often call it 'treatment brain,' because multiple treatments, including radiation, surgery or immunotherapy, can cause these symptoms.". There is a real possibility it will go away.". ", Dr. Dunbar adds, "The main mechanism of injury is inflammation. Your physician may recommend one or more of the following: Managing other identified causes of cognitive impairment, such as anemia, depression or early menopause, Medications, such as those traditionally used for memory disorders, fatigue, depression, and anxiety, can improve cognitive function and quality of life. Brain fog or ‘chemobrain’ can impact memory, comprehension or speech, and it often lingers, making it difficult to carry out even some of the most basic everyday activities and greatly decreases overall quality of life. 5. Dr. Dunbar references a study that uses a soil, seed and pesticide analogy to explain chemo brain: The "soil" is your brain health, age and any pre-existing conditions that can affect brain health. The "seed" is the type of tumor or cancer you have. increased stress, anxiety and depression.) 8. Be honest with your friends and family about your “chemo brain.” If you explain what you are going through, they can be more understanding. In addition, emphasis is placed on lifestyle changes that can enhance cognitive performance and … Provide mental clarity Speed up mental processing. 5 Try herbal teas to reduce nausea. The small study involved the drug modafinil (Provigil), which was originally approved to treat excessive sleeplessness associated with narcolepsy. Chemo brain may be a transient problem, or it may last for years. The "seed" is the type of tumor or cancer you have. For instance, try to: 1. 3. I’m talking blithering idiot territory. The various cognitive impairments collectively known as “chemo brain” can cause anxiety, frustration and difficulty with everyday tasks for cancer survivors. "It doesn't matter when the patient comes to see me," says Dr. Dunbar. Depending on the type of treatment, some of the effects on the brain occur in real time and others are delayed or cumulative. Inflammation in the brain is similar to sunburn on the skin. Go easy on yourself. However, if chemo brain lasts for months or years, it can have a significant impact on a cancer patient’s quality of life. It is important to understand it is not just chemotherapy causing chemo brain or treatment brain. 3. Consider joining a support group. See 11 things your doctor wants you to know. In a weekly class, patients are given strategies designed to improve cognitive function. "Call your specialist at the earliest symptom that causes you worry," says Dr. Dunbar. In some cases the disease itself or the drugs used to fight the disease cause cognitive impairment. However, despite the condition's name, chemotherapy is not completely to blame for symptoms, says Erin Dunbar, M.D., a neuro-oncologist at Piedmont. For most cancer patients, these symptoms only last for a brief period of time. Cognitive difficulties can also arise due to the patient’s age or other health problems. Dr. Dunbar references a study that uses a soil, seed and pesticide analogy to explain chemo brain: The "soil" is your brain health, age and any pre-existing conditions that can affect brain health. Tags: #cancer, #cancersurvivor, #ChemoBrain, #chemotherapy, #memory, #Survivorship. Most employers are required by the Americans with Disabilities Act to help you make reasonable accommodations to perform the essential functions of your job. Exercise your brain: There is evidence that some brain training may help counter the effects of cancer on memory and brain function. Until then, if you are affected by chemo brain, there are some steps you can take. Seek treatment for depression and/or anxiety: If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, please let your medical team know. And, in some cases, it will last years rather than months. Rinse your mouth with a mouthwash or chew sugar-free gum to help combat any bad taste from the chemotherapy. Make Daily ‘To Do’ lists: Keep checklists of important things that need to be accomplished each day. An update is not required, but for best search experience we strongly recommend updating to the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer 11+. The "pesticide" is the type of cancer treatment (such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, hormone therapy or immunotherapy) used to fight your cancer. *We have detected that you are using an unsupported or outdated browser. You might be nauseated and sore, but the most common chemo side effect is unrelenting fatigue. … "Many patients have meaningful improvements with treatment and in many cases, chemo brain or treatment brain goes away. You don't have to let chemo brain stop you from having a productive day. Talk to your employer about minimizing distractions at work. Acupuncture for chemo brain has not been directly studied together. Cancer is debilitating, but so is chemotherapy treatment. Track your symptoms so you can share them with your physician. These types of practices teach you how to focus your attention. Prepare yourself for success. Surgery to reduce swelling or pressure in the brain. 7. With chemo brain we may experience a number of symptoms that reflect a reduced mental ability: loss of concentration, fatigue, confusion, not being able to multi-task, not being able to cope with noise or conversations or media, sleep disruption, finding it difficult to go out and more. They can also help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. But the causes are not entirely known. Supercharge your brain power and combat mental decline with Vectomega. In addition to these tips, seek help from your family and from your medical provider. Control what you can about your working environment. Barbara Tako, 54, underwent multiple types of treatment after receiving a diagnosis of stage 1 breast cancer at age 46. 1. Cognitive problems can take away from a patient’s quality of life. For more long lasting, bothersome problems, using a variety of techniques to augment memory can be very helpful. You can take steps to ease chemo brain symptoms on your own. Chemo Brain Symptoms: Unfortunately, every day I hear from cancer survivors who tell me that their brain just isn’t the same as it was before treatment. Studies have shown that acupuncture can improve brain functioning and stimulate the brain directly. It depends on your individual circumstance, but in general, treatment brain or chemo brain responds well to treatment and it is not dangerous. Project Purple is a 501(c)(3) The manufacturer recommends taking one or two Vectomega tablets daily. This issue is of increasing concern for clinicians as the number of … Source: Bray VJ, Dhillon HM, Bell ML et al. These studies suggest brain training exercises could be a simple way to alleviate at least some of the debilitating effects of chemo brain for cancer survivors. Carry a pad with you and write down the things you need to do. Make Daily ‘To Do’ lists: Keep checklists of important things that need to be accomplished each day. If you are having trouble sleeping, please seek medical help. 2. Brain fog or ‘chemobrain’ can impact memory, comprehension or speech, and it often lingers, making it difficult to carry out even some of the most basic everyday activities and greatly decreases overall quality of life. COVID-19 Vaccine: For up-to-date information on eligibility and availability. "What matters is that the treatment can function as a toxin in the body and injure the brain unintentionally. These problems, known more commonly as ‘chemo brain’, can be extremely frustrating for cancer patients. So, for chemo brain, you … Soft music may help drown out other noises. Chemo brain is a subject of recent NCI research that examined the long-term impacts patients felt in the months and years after their chemotherapy treatment on breast cancer patients. 9. There are other things that can help too, including: … Chemo-brain is a term frequently used within the cancer community to describe the feeling of memory loss and seemingly slower cognitive function after various types of cancer treatment. Ten Tips for Combating Chemo Brain. Studies have revealed that resistance exercise is particularly helpful for chemo brain. According to Evan DeMarco, CMO of Omax Health, “Cancer and its treatments represent a daily battle, both physically and mentally. - LAUREN B. If you experience any of the above symptoms during or after cancer treatment, contact your doctor. Chemo brain is a mental cloudiness some people notice before, during, and after cancer treatment. Another rinse you may want to try is adding one-half teaspoon each of salt and baking soda to a quart of water. If noise and commotion are contributing to your distraction, try to find a quiet place where you can concentrate. As always, talk to your healthcare team about your side effects and ways to manage them. Practice Mindfulness: Yoga and Meditation can help your ability to pay attention to detail. Often called "chemo brain," a mental fogginess can sometimes accompany cancer treatment. Can cancer treatment affect your memory and concentration? More than half of cancer patients treated with chemo experience brain fog Occupational therapy, which helps you master your environment. Embrace Technology: use reminders on your cell phone and/or computer to help you remember important appointments, birthdays, projects, etc. When under the fog of chemo brain, multitasking can seem overwhelming. © 2011 - 2021 Project Purple All Rights Reserved. Talking to patients facing similar challenges can be encouraging and combat feelings of isolation. This gives us reason to believe that acupuncture could be helpful in reducing symptoms of chemo brain. While the "pesticide" works to kill cancer cells, it can cause unintended damage to healthy cells as well as inflammation of the brain. Although it can feel like a form of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, it’s not. term used to describe the thinking and memory problems that comes about during and after treatment Cross items off as you finish them. Exercise: Getting blood flowing to the brain helps to improve memory and decreases stress. Staying organized with a planner or journal. For example, keep lists of things to buy, errands to run, phone calls to return, and even the times you need to take your medicines. 6. Exercise has been shown to combat your fatigue, improve your mood, reduce your anxiety and depression, and improve your overall physical well-being. These symptoms have been linked to poorer quality of life and… Chemo Brain is the term used for several cognitive changes cancer patients and survivors fact. It’s been recognized for 30 years that this problem crops up for many chemo-treated patients. One of the top brain-boosting supplements is Alpha & Omega. Fighting cognitive decline has never been easier. One way to manage your energy and fight through chemo brain is with exercise. Seymour, CT. 06483 This 6-week rehabilitation course helps patients cope with the effects of chemo brain. PHOTOGRAPHY. Certainly one issue which might contribute to it is … Continued 4. Focus: Repeat information out loud and write down important details. "Someone may have fatigue, nausea or ear ringing during treatment, and a few months later, may experience hearing loss or memory loss," says Dr. Dunbar. In addition to cancer treatment, the following can contribute to treatment brain symptoms: Cancer itself, particularly if it has spread to the brain or started in the brain, Complications from treatment, including infection, pain, insomnia, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, anemia, menopause or hormonal changes, Stress, depression and/or anxiety related to your diagnosis. Brain fog or 'chemobrain' can impact memory, comprehension or speech, and it often lingers, making it difficult to carry out even some of the most … For others, problems with mental clarity can arise from the stress of having cancer, from lack of sleep, or from developing depression or anxiety. They can also help you manage your side effects by sending you friendly reminders or helping you organize your space. For me, chemo brain meant I could feel myself becoming dumber by the minute! "There is a phenomenal amount of literature on the positive impact of mindfulness, yoga and stress-relieving techniques," says Dr. Dunbar. Regular exercise is helpful for alleviating chemobrain symptoms. Chemo-brain IS real: Scientists discover how cancer treatments damage white matter to cause mental fog. Stop Multi-Tasking: Focusing on one thing at a time will help you remember important details. "There is always something we can do to help treat their symptoms. At Piedmont, our treatment plans are personalized to the patient's unique cancer journey and are precise, using the best available evidence to optimize their situation.". not for profit organization ", "Chemo brain or treatment brain is real and there is evidence-based hope that we can successfully treat it," says Dr. Dunbar. It's sometimes called cancer treatment-related cognitive impairment, cancer-related cognitive change, or post-chemotherapy cognitive impairment. Try to focus on one thing at a time. All videos and content are the exclusive property of Piedmont Healthcare and may not be used by any third parties for any other purposes. Try mindfulness. A University of Sydney study has shown “brain training” games targeting attention, memory and visual skills reduced chemotherapy-induced neurological problems in cancer patients — commonly referred to as “chemobrain” or “chemofog.” Up to 70 per cent of cancer patients report cognitive symptoms following chemotherapy. "Chemo brain is caused by a combination of factors," she says. A 2015 study suggests that aerobic exercise can fight the effects of “Chemo Brain.” The study included 20 women who were on average 53 years old, had been treated for breast cancer within the past three years and had reported cognitive difficulties. You are not necessarily stuck with it. Treatment can damage blood vessels and nerve connections, and affect the brain's chemical production. Even I had to admit it was both funny and accurate. "We pick the best treatment plan and optimize it for the patient. 2. If chemo brain is disrupting your daily life, your doctor may suggest a counselor or psychologist. Having experienced chemo brain, BARBARA TAKO says more research and treatments are needed to combat the problem. “Chemo-brain” – a sense of reduced cognitive function that seems the unwanted after-effect of chemotherapy — plagues many cancer patients during and after treatment. Use a planner or personal organizer. Chemo brain may profoundly affect some people’s lives while it spares others. "It doesn't matter if your cancer treatment is a pill, intravenous chemotherapy or radiation," she says. One of my sons did a great impersonation of me, in which he would start talking and simply trail off in mid sentence. 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