Being completely outside of your comfort zone and learning along the way is a rewarding experience in itself. STUDY ABROAD : Before you leave - Must read 10 Study abroad struggles you’ll face (and WILL overcome) ... so when they stop working, it can make an international student feel rather alone as a result. Knowing even the basics can make my experience more enjoyable. It may be exactly what your routine-tired mind is looking for, but you should also be aware of the profound differences that may present themselves as the challenges of working overseas. But, in times of economic instability, when jobs are few and far between, and career prospects are minimal, … Lastly, I feel very genuine in saying that these struggles make life all the more beautiful! And I will eternally be grateful for that. Try working at co-working spaces or coffee shops so you'll at least feel like you're still a part of society. Not being able to communicate with others on a daily basis is one of the most difficult aspects of living abroad; the constant struggle for both parties to express themselves to to understand what the other person is saying. There are 11 main reasons why several Filipinos choose to work abroad, these 11 reasons was made by Fritz Natividad on November 19, 2012. Did You Know? You would think that the struggles faced by refugees would be over once they arrived in the land of the free, right? If you’re still on the fence about moving abroad (for a year or more… or less), check out this list of pros and cons to help make your decision. There’s no one to look after you. If you’re working at home, you go into the office at around 8:30am, lunch is at noon, and you finish at 5:00pm. I could only bring 10 pairs of shoes! Related: What is an Expatriate? It might even be my overwhelming schedule, which makes me sleep deprived from time-to-time. For me, the sardines here will never yield the same taste as the Young’s Town sardines at home when mixed with eggs then fried. And you brush those tears away. You set your alarm to 12:00 just to wait for who will greet you first. 10. Some are in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Qatar, and other foreign countries. Your health determines your entire experience, and should always be your number priority. ... here are the struggles of long-term traveling and living abroad (no one tells you about anymore): 1. Not only for young people like me, but especially the people who’ve left their kids and partners to provide a good living for them. Tomorrow may be another set of struggles in my life working abroad. However, living in a country that is in some ways similar but I’ve later realized has so many differences with my home country for almost a year now, I would say it isn’t all glitter and glamour working abroad. Rewards. The problems that emerged in the 1970s remain the same today: illegal recruitment, contract substitution, illegal placement fees, long working hours, and no days off (in the case of domestic workers), among others. In the Philippines, a pervasive culture of migration has led millions to seek opportunities abroad, particularly since an economic downturn in the 1970s. And you? Finally, the number of Bangladeshis who could travel abroad for work stood at about 190,000. More often than not, it is all in the mind and you will need to change your perspective. Despite personal and professional struggles, teachers report great benefits to their practice from working abroad. Verge Magazine: Volunteer abroad, work and travel, study abroad, Turning Reverse Culture Shock into Positive Change, Making An Impact By Sharing Across Cultures, World At Play: Coach sport and play for six weeks in a refugee camp in Uganda. It wasn't until I experienced being ill in another country that I truly understood how important my health is. And now she’s getting married? It was only her and my brother. Godbless you more and keep on writing and inspiring people! Originally from Colombia, Margarita is a doctor in psychology, a top coach, a trainer and an intercultural expert. Working abroad is absolutely the experience of a lifetime. The last WIL Talk of the academic year started off with Margarita Lourido's dynamic presentation on what moving and working abroad really entails. You might just find, as Conrado Lamas has, that you'll make friends with the people who work at and from the coffee shop. Canadians look for work beyond our country for many reasons. But the question is, why they choose to work abroad than staying in their own country? ... there are kids who don’t want to work abroad because they don't want to have the same fate.) Living abroad is not all fun, there are some negatives to it too. My co-teachers and staff should help make my life easier in Korea, but they are not obligated to. And never forget that the universal language of a smile goes a long way with anyone, anywhere. Believer. Even the act of getting yourself a glass of water has become a moment to define how alone you really are abroad. My family is in Cavite, my SO is out of the country and I am living alone in a far-flung province. If God would give me a choice on where I would want to be now, I’ll still choose living and working overseas with all my heart. 7. Living abroad is not all fun, there are some negatives to it too. After almost 8 years, albeit still young at heart, I can no longer call myself a “young OFW.” Living abroad, as all OFWs ought to know by now was not an easy task. Though we are happy to be here, there are those things that you wished you could do abroad like how easy it was to do at home. On July 29, 2018 March 6, 2019 By alaizza In Europe, Expat Life, Travel. Imagine planning going home for a family occasion that’s supposed to happen on the first week of the month and you’ve already allotted your annual leave credits for Christmas and New Year. I've somehow managed to overwhelm myself with an ambitious schedule. Verge believes in travel for change. That’s why I promised to myself that I will not leave the country again. There will be a gap that prevents you from truly connecting with your co-teachers, staff and, especially, the students. I was everything but hesitant to leave. I have lived abroad for the past 8/9 years! Hello, in this video I talk about something that people don’t usually discuss. You content yourself with these because there’s no other choice. It wasn't until I experienced being ill in another country that I truly understood how important my health is. Thankfully, from my experience, Koreans are extremely caring and generous. Writer. Flight Attendant. After that last phone call for the day, you go back to your routine in your life abroad with no one even to cook you a birthday breakfast or anyone who should have brought you a cake when the clock struck twelve. So, when my brother informed me that she consciously allowed herself to be checked worried me to the bones. Over time, you will learn to adapt. Rue Jules Van Praet, Bruxelles, Belgium. How many of these have you experienced? 7 Struggles for Introverts at Work We’re sensitive. Some reasons why this happen is due to financial problems like parents need to go abroad or leave to look for money to enable to support their family an example are the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW), another is separation (Divorce or Annulment) of parents which sometimes results to single-parenting and one more example is the death of a loved one. I’m a harworking OFW and If I’m given a chance I’d still choose this life. These dangers are part of what Filipinos weigh as they prepare to work abroad, but Memorie brushes them off. I need to focus on myself more and take things one step at a time. When expats tread on unfamiliar ground, they tend to stick to what is familiar. When I finally got the email confirmation of my working visa that subsequently affirmed my departure from the Philippines to pursue a job abroad, I was ecstatic. In just 2 countries but with 2 very different experiences. I believe that if you're not struggling, you're not growing. Since moving here, I've been mentally and physically drained, and in my most vulnerable state. The government has long embraced exporting labor as official economic policy, but over time, the focus has shifted: first to protecting workers overseas and much more recently to linking migration and development. More and more people are working from home these days — or at least from a local coffee shop or coworking space. You content yourself with these because you have to be where you are. Your Facebook and Instagram are flooded with birthday greetings. Some days I could not be any more content that I'm here, and then there are those off days where I want to be in the comfort of my home country, surrounded by my loved ones. 3858 Words 16 Pages. To think that I am a nurse and I should have been the one doing all the fussing. 1. During the past 10 years, I've lived in five different countries. If you move abroad and discover that you aren’t happy, you can move again. For a brief second, you feel that you have been left behind – that everyone home is moving on to the next level of adulthood and you’re stuck abroad with so many dreams for your career (still).You feel that you’re growing old and there’s no way stopping it (even if you’re so far away from home)! Problems – A problem, which can be caused for different reasons, and, if solvable, can usually be solved in a number of different ways, is … However, there is also a trend of people who don’t just stop … The challenging process calls for arranging academic transcripts and references, showing a reassuring bank statement, and acquiring impressive SAT, TOEFL, and GRE scores, sponsor letters, and accommodation arrangements. I cook my own food and do my own laundry even when I’m exhausted because no one will do it for me. Well, maybe except for having to struggle with the groceries. I still almost called them every hour even when they and she said she was okay just to stop myself from worrying. It’s depressing not being there for your family when they need you. The last WIL Talk of the academic year started off with Margarita Lourido's dynamic presentation on what moving and working abroad really entails. 2. Work Abroad – Advice for International Jobs. Sometimes, we miss our simple pleasures like eating our favorites pinoy foods. Living and working abroad is like stepping out of the comfort zone: it can be very intimidating to leave behind everything that is so close and familiar and to change it for something you have very little ideas about.. Work Abroad. Imagine, my flight time to Manila is even shorter than my trip from Manila to my province. If you cannot spend a lot of money, you cannot think of working abroad and settling there. And while most … Patty Pasion. This has been accompanied by an ideological struggle to marginalise and ridicule the very concept of class - and certainly the concept of a working class and of class struggle between the classes. When you’ve no idea when you will go home next. We even call working abroad as an opportunity. There will be a gap that prevents you from truly connecting with your co-teachers, staff and, especially, the students. ( Log Out /  Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I am lucky to be in a job that practically lets me go home so long as I have days off but still somehow, I share the pain of the other OFWs who have to wait for a year before they can go home and visit their loved ones. It’s a wound that cuts deep when my brother tells me of my nephew’s developmental feats like when he grows his first teeth, when he calls him ‘Papa’ or when I receive photos of him grinning while balancing his weight to make his first step. That inch of white hair, those laugh lines and the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes (that have already become her) that make the idea of staying home and spending time with her all the more enchanting stays with me even when I go back to my work base. Change ). 52 percent of employees overseas are between the ages of 25 and 50 The average overseas employee makes between $70,000 and $89,000 I have to make more effort in learning the language for my own sake. Even though it might look like an adventure, you will inevitably feel homesick, miss your family and friends and the life you are used to. While living in a foreign country sounds exciting and romantic, it does have a catch. I say yes to pretty much everything, because I've adopted the "you only live once" mindset. It can also include seamen and others who work outside the Philippines but are not residents, either permanent or temporary, of another country. Sometimes I wanna just go back and give up but then I realized,this is all for my family and for my dreams of travelling and seeing the beauty of the world. Some would say I have sufficient experience in moving and living abroad, some would say I have an awful lot. Not being able to communicate with others on a daily basis is one of the most difficult aspects of living abroad; the constant struggle for both parties to express themselves to to understand what the other person is saying. The last WIL Talk of the academic year started off with Margarita Lourido's dynamic presentation on what moving and working abroad really entails. Boohoo. Best Places to Work in the World; Visas – For Work and Travel ... with so many changes at once, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. A close friend of mine reminded me several things when it comes to living abroad: You will experience stress, hardships, and loneliness along the way, but you have the power to create the change in any situation that you're unhappy in. 4. Working abroad is really tough. Thus, many expatriates never make the transition from expat to compatriot. Here are some of the top challenges that I've dealt with so far: In a span of three months, I’ve been sick three times. It might be the stress of living abroad and having to speak so frequently on daily basis as a first-time teacher. 9. ( Log Out /  Nowadays, lots of Filipino people choose to work abroad. Some want to learn another language, or put their existing foreign language skills to use. Nothing is perfect (not even Beyoncé, sorry), and while study abroad does come pretty darn close, it is not without its problems. For less than fifty pesos (1.2 USD/4.10 MYR), I have succeeded in making myself happier. Moving abroad is not necessarily a lifetime commitment. We’ve put together a list of the most common problems faced by expatriates to show you that you’re not going through any of these hardships alone. Most of my school friends moved abroad, or also in Manila. This can be done by reading through the thousands of volunteer reviews available online on individual organizations' websites and on independent review websites, such as and All contents and logos copyright © Verge Magazine, all rights reserved. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! You lie in your bed nursing that flu and another illness you just acquired — self-pity. But I’m not there. ( Log Out /  OFW STRUGGLES: 12 Tips on How to Overcome Homesickness as a Filipino Working Abroad It’s not uncommon knowledge that there are more and more Filipinos working abroad - for a better life, career or more salary to support their families back home. It’s so hard to get used to not having a routine! Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It brings a smile to my face when I see my college friends find time to have a date and dine or see a movie just like the old times. “ Identity Struggles offers a refined view of how interactants negotiate their roles in the workplace. It could be caused by all the changes, such as the change in season, dehydration, and the amount of yellow dust floating around. One often overlooked side-effect of studying abroad is that your friends and family will be getting psyched about stuff you have never even heard of. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The Struggles of Living Abroad. I try my best to stay healthy to avoid getting sick. While I actually recount my disconnect from the Angry Birds movement as a blessing in disguise, I could not help but feel like an alien being when I returned home to others’ disbelief at my being “out of the loop.” Kudos to you! A great amount of frustration and time it takes when it comes to performing basic, daily routines such as ordering food, opening a bank account, getting your phone plan set up, and asking for directions. Enter your email address to follow Alyseestheworld and receive notifications of new posts by email. Disadvantages of working abroad: 1. Registered Nurse. No words from my brother, boyfriend and my mother herself ever comforted me from the thoughts I had of her being ill. “ Identity Struggles offers a refined view of how interactants negotiate their roles in the workplace. When your birthday passes as an ordinary day. Before volunteering abroad, it's a good idea to research the most common complaints/problems that people have.. The silent struggle of returning OFWs. You’re lucky if you already have. We desperately need to go there and travel and meet people. I was working with several refugee groups in Salt Lake City, Utah, and over the span of one year I found myself constantly impressed and amazed at their perseverance and strength. No medications. Along with getting your company structure in place, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the local laws and regulations governing your target markets is key. This belief is at the core of everything we do.For more than a decade, Verge has produced quality resources and events to help people experience the world in a meaningful way, through opportunities to study, work and volunteer abroad. MagazineOverseas program finderGo Global ExpoTravel Intelligence Bulletin, Subscriber careAdvertiseWrite for usSubscribePrivacy policy, Sport and play volunteer in refugee camp in Uganda. Originally from Colombia, Margarita is a doctor in psychology, a top coach, a trainer and an intercultural expert. It is distressing when they miss important events, special occasions and not seeing their kids grow up. Here are the common challenges that OFWs face abroad and ways on how to cope with them: 1. The working class is tied, in many mainstream accounts, to particular workplaces or groups of workers – miners, factory workers, shipyard workers, etc – which have suffered sharp decline. When your family/loved one gets sick. It probably won't get easier, but it will definitely get better. I've gone past the honeymoon phrase, and am now riding an emotional rollercoaster of confusion, frustration, homesickness and loneliness. Tell us about some of your struggles. Regardless of teachers’ motivations to migrate, the great majority report valuable professional and personal benefits from their overseas experiences. Some reasons why this happen is due to financial problems like parents need to go abroad or leave to look for money to enable to support their family an example are the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW), another is separation (Divorce or Annulment) of parents which sometimes results to single-parenting and one more example is the death of a loved one. Single day and you try to push yourself explore whenever you have the entire to! Happy, you ’ re not facing these struggles alone I always take comfort in the reasons and the I., your students, and some eventually return to their country of origin set of in... With birthday greetings you really are abroad we are blessed, but overall, most … the struggles by. And higher pay overseas have urged many Filipinos to work overseas for foreigners to the... In just 2 countries but with 2 very different experiences Filipinos to work for you, even when I m... 7 struggles for Introverts at work we ’ re sensitive me to the hospital,. 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